Chapter 15: Disorders (6A) Flashcards
What is abnormal psychology?
The scientific study of psychological disorders
What are the four key features of psychological dysfunction?
Deviance - emotions that deviate (stray away from) from the beliefs of society
Distress - behaviours, ideas, and emotions usually must also cause distress or unhappiness.
Dysfunction - Behaviours that inter fear with daily functioning
Danger - often times they are more likely to be dangerous to themselves rather than other.
What is eccentric?
Eccentric is when an individual deviates from common behaviour patterns or displays odd behaviour but they do not suffer from psychological disorders. Eccentricity is chosen while mental health disorders not.
What is the international classification of diseases?
It is a system used by most countries to classify psychological disorders. It was published by the World Health Organization
What is the diagnostic and statistical Manuel of mental disorders?
Manuel used to diagnose mental disorders in Canada. It provides a categorical list of symptoms or over 200 mental disorders
What is a diagnosis?
A clinician’s determination that a persons cluster systems represent a particular disorder
What is comorbidity?
The condition in which a person’s symptoms qualify him or her for two or more diagnosis
What is a neurdevelopmental disorder?
Disorders with their onset in the developmental period before the child enters grade school; usually involve impairments in personal, social, or academic functioning.
What are Neurocognitive disorders?
Disorders where the primary clinical deficit is cognitive function. The deficit reflects a decrease from previous state of functioning
What are substance related and addictive disorders?
Disorders that involve the activation of reward anyways and reward systems due to sub ante use or induced by substances; also includes gambling disorder
What is schizophrenia-spectrum and other psychotic disorders?
Disorders defined by abnormalities in the form of delusions, disordered thoughts or behaviours, or negative symptoms such as avoliation(lack of motivation) or loss of communication ability
What is depressive disorders?
The prices of sad, empty, or irritable mood that typically goes along with food or cognitive changes
What are bipolar and related disorders?
Alternating bouts of positive affects that are followed by prolonged periods of sadness and other symptoms of depression
What is anxiety disorders?
Disorders that share features of excessive fear or anxiety and related behavioural disturbances
What are obsessive compulsive disorders?
Disorders characterized by repetitive thoughts or behavioural rituals
What are trauma and stressor related disorders?
Disorders that reflect exposure to a distressing event or events
What are somatic symptoms and related disorders?
Disorders with prominent somatic symptoms associated with impairment and distress
What is dissociative disorder?
Disruption or discontinuity in the typical integration of copiousness, perception, memory, emotion, identity, or body representation
What are feeding and eating disorders?
Disturbance in eating-related behaviour that impairs physical health/psychosocial functioning
what is sexual dysfunctional disorder ?
Disorders with great heterogeneity that usually involve a clinically significant disturbance in the ability to respond sexually or experience sexual pleasure
What is gender dysphoria?
Persistent distress due to the discrepancy between one’s expressed or experienced gender verses initially assigned gender.
What is paraphrasing disorder?
Disorders that reflect intense adn persistence sexual interest other than the stimulation found in normal physically mature and consenting human partners
What is sleep-wake disorder?
Disorder involving the dissatisfaction in the quality, timing/amount of sleep
What are disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorders?
Under-controlled behaviours that violate the rights of others/ bring the perosn into serious conflict with societal orbs authority figures
What are personality disorders?
Persuasive inflexible behavioural patters that deviate markedly with social expectation. These disorders often involve a lack of insight about how personal actions cause distress in others
What does the neuroscience model look at?
- Abnormal behaviour is an it’s caused by malfunctioning brain:
- genetic ineheritance
- viral infection
- hormones
- brain structure and abnormalities
- too few or too many of certain types of neurotransmitters
Does not take into account additional factors such as environmental experiences
What does the cognitive-behavioural model say?
- Disorders are the result form problematic learned behaviours and dysfunctional cognitive processes
What is selective perception?
Seeing only the negative features of an event
What is magnification?
Exaggerating the importance of undesirable events
What is overgeneralization?
Drawing broad negative conclusions on the basis of a single insignificant event
What is the psychodynamic model?
Abnormal behaviours or symptoms are viewed as the consequences of conflicts between these forces or as unconscious attempts to resolve conflicts and lessen painful inner turmoil.
- Freud
What is fixation?
Being trapped at an early stage of development
What is the socio-cultural model?
A sociaty characteristics stressors for some of its members such as:
- family systems
- socioeconomic class membership
- social change
- cultural background
-social networks
What is the developmental model of psychopathology?
This model studies how problem behaviours evolve as a function of a persons genes and early experiences and how these early issues affect the person at later life stages
What are risk factors?
Biological and environmental factors that contribute to problem outcomes
What is equifinality?
The idea that different children can start from different points and wind up at the same outcome
What is Multifinality?
The idea that children can start form the same point and wind up at any number of different outcomes
What is resilience?
he ability to recover rom or avoid the serious effects of negative circumstances