Chapter 15 and 16 acids and bases Flashcards
What’s three characteristics do acids have that are different than bases?
Sour, corrosive, react with metals to produce hydrogen 
What three characteristics do bases have that are different from acid?
, bitter Caustic, slippery like soap
What characteristics do both acids and bases have
Change the color of indicators,
they react with the other two produce salt and water,
And Arrhenius acid contains what?
hydrogen and hydronium H3O
Think AA (alcoholic) drinks (H3O) and Hydrogen (hydro gen sounds like water)
An arHenneous base contains what
Hydroxide ions 
Think pirate Ahrr goes to BASE but no longer wants to associate with negative hydroxide so DISSOCIATES with -OH
What is dissociation?
Process of separating ionic compounds into ions in solution by action of the soffit. Dissociation takes place with ionic compounds. 
What is Ionization?
Process of creating ions in solution by action of the solvent. Ionization involves covalent compounds, and ions are created where they did not exist before. 
Arrhenius acids and bases give off what?
Arsenious acid give off excess of hydrogen plus ions
Arsenius bases give off excess hydroxide negative ions 
What is a Bronsted Lowry acid
A molecule or ion that’s a proton donor
Think ACID donor
This also includes all Arrhenius acid in solution
What is a Bronsted Lowry base
It is a proton acceptor 
Do hydronium ions have to be produced by Bronsted Lowry acids?
No, they do not
NaOH arrow Na+ + OH- (dissociated hydroxide means it’s a base!)
Acids are always in solution
Can you tell if something is a strong acid?
Ionizes almost completely in solution
Can you tell if something is a weak acid?
It only partially ionizes in solution
Monoprotic and polyprotic
Mono proiotic means the acid donate one proton per molecule. Poly means 2+
How do we determine if something is a Bronsted Lowry acid or base?
Look at what it came. Did it donate or except something to become what it became? Then named the original bass/acid
What Happens in a traditional neutralization acid/base reaction?
An acid reacts with a base to form a salt and water. This really amounts to a reaction between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions as indicated by studying at ionic equation.
Ionic equation equals H+ + OH-
Happens in a Bronsted Lowry acid base reaction?
Showtimes are transferred from the acid to the base. These are usually referred to as proton transfer reactions,
and also means hydrogen transfers.
What does conjugate mean?
Congugate base excepts a proton.
Congugate acid donate a proton.
What is amphoteric question
It could be an acid or a base such as water
Do proton, transfer reactions, favor, the production of weaker or stronger acid and base?
Say, favor in the production of the weaker acid and base
[ ] means what?
Concentration of x in Molarity
Kw= ??
Ion product constant for water 
What’s the difference between aqueous and liquid?
the term liquid refers to any fluid that is nearly incompressible whereas the term aqueous refers to the liquids that have water as the solvent
What is self ionization of water
Water ionizes itself. Waterruns into itself and hydrogen gets knocked lose
Are the results of self ionization of water
Molecules are always moving.
Yes, the collisions are energetics enough hydrogen + will transfer from one water to another
Call results are the best transfer will be one hydrogen ion and one hydroxide ion 
What is Le Chateliers principal
When stress is applied to a system in equilibrium, the system will respond by relieving the stress and restoring equilibrium 
Does acid or base have more hydrogen than hydroxide
A base has more concentration of what?
Hydroxide rather than hydrogen
What is the definition of a base solution?
Equal amounts of hydrogen and hydroxide 
On the pH scale. What is an acid, neutral, and base/alkaline 
7 is neutral
Acidic is 0-6
Alkaline/base is 8-14