Chapter 15 and 16 Flashcards
Middle adulthood age
Age 40-60
Changes or declines in many ___________ occur very gradually through the ____ and _____
Physical function
Middle adulthood is typically known as the peak for ______ and ______
Intellectual and creative peak
What new technology helps us with our brain?
________ matter volume crests during middle adulthood, while _____ matter volume continues to decline. The decline doesn’t stop until about ____ years old
New synapses are continuing to form, although more synapses are _____ than formed
What is the general rule for the brain
Areas of the brain that develop last ate the ones that begin to decline first.
Namely, areas located in frontal and partial lobes
The brains of _____ and ______ adults respond differently to sensory stimuli
Middle Aged
In everyday situations requiring intense concentration and rapid judgements (like driving a car)_________ perform better than ______
Middle aged adults
Younger adults
The years of middle or late adulthood in both men and women during which reproductive capacity declines or is lost
The stopping of monthly menstrual cycles in middle aged women
In men, the ______ is extremely gradual, with a slow loss of reproductive capacity
Average age of menopause is:
3 stages of menopause
Premenopausal phase
Perimenopausal phase
Postmenopausal phase
Premenopausal stage
Stage of menopause where estrogen levels fall somewhat, menstural periods are less regular, and anovulatory cycles begin to occur
Anovultaory cycle
Menstrual cycle where no ovum is released
Perimenopausal phase
Stage of menopause where estrogen and progesterone levels are erratic, meastrual cycles are very irregular, and women begin to experience hot flashes
The _______ phase of menopause often causes sleep deprivation due to ____________ which make women feel they’re going crazy
Perimenopausal phase
Hot flashes
Postmenopasual phase
Last stage of menopause. Women is in this stage when it’s been a year or more with no period
Experts have reported no connection between __________ and ___________
Menopausal status
Major depressive disorder
Women with significant symptoms and whose symptoms last the longest experience the most _______ and _________
Negative moods
A great majority of middle aged adults remain ___________. Although frequency of _____ declines
Sexually active
Most physical symptoms and effects of _____ can be dramatically reduced by taking ______ and _______
A low dosage of estrogen and progesterone acts the same as _____ alone; but without the increases risk of _______
Loss of bone mass with age, resulting in more brittle and porous bones
Bone loss, aka osteoporosis begins at what age
Major consequences of bone loss density puts women at age_____ at higher risk for _____
How osteoporosis can be prevented
Getting enough calcium by early adulthood
Getting regular exercise
Getting a bone mineral density test
Norms loss of visual activity with aging, especially the ability to focus the eyes on near objects
Normal loss of hearing with aging
Specifically high frequency tones
Hearing loss accelerates after age:
There is a correlation between ________ and _______
Older age
Working out / physical activity
The leading cause of death in middle adulthood is ________
Men have a ____% chance of developing cancer
Women have a ____% chance of developing cancer
From dying of cancer, men have a ___% while women have a ___%
29 for men
24 for women
The most popular cancer type is :
Lung cancer
Cardio-vascular disease (CVD)
A set of disease processes in the heart and circulatory system
Narrowing of the arteries caused my deposits of plaque, a fatty substance
Type A personality
Personality types associated with greater risk of coronary heart disease
It includes time urgency, hostility and aggressiveness, achievement striving
Type D personality (D for Distress)
Chronic pattern of emotional distress, tendency to suppress negative emotions
_____ life expetency is higher than ______
Women live longer, but they have more _____ and _____
Diseases and disabilities
Men die younger but are ______ while they’re alive
Canadian men and women report improved _________ with increasing age
Mental health
Adults diagnosed with mental health issues earlier in their lives still have ___________
Difficulties in the Middle Ages
Physical and psychological dependence on alcohol
Nancy Denney: changes with age on nearly any measure of physical or cognitive functioning ______________
Follow a typical curve
Any skills that is not fully exercised can be improved, even in old age, of that Individual ___________
Exercises that ability
Selective optimization with compensation
The process of balencing the gains and losses associated with aging
It is often hard to seperate the effects of ____ and _________ because they happen at the same time
Primary and secondary aging
Those with some kind of CVD shoe ealier and larger declines on ______________
Intellectual tests
Wheh in doubt, the answer is ______
Higher test scores, lower levels of diseases and greater longevity
Major deficits in memory and cognition do not occur until between age ___ to ____
60 to 65
Episodic memory
Recollections of personal events
Semantic memory
Recollections of general knowledge, facts, and word meanings
By using reminders or cues, middle aged adults are proficient with over coming ______________ limitation
Episodic memory
Most adults maintain or even gain skills on any task they _______ or is based on ________
Specific learning
Middle aged adults outperform those who are younger on tasks that involve ______ and _______ reading material
Comprehending and remembering
The ability to produce original, appropriate, and valuable ideas or solutions to problems
Typical scientists best work is when they’re _____ years old
40’s - 50’s
Generativity vs stagnation stage
The 7th stage of Erickson, in which middle aged adults find meaning in contributing to the development of younger individuals
Sense that one is making valuable contribution to society by bringing up children or mentoring young people
_______ is positively related to mental health at this age, and is a more prominent theme for _____ than for ______
Women then men
Cultures that encourage respect for _______ by its _______ citizens have higher levels of generative acts and wel being in older citizens
Valiant argued that there is a stage between ______ and _______ called ______________
Intimacy and generativity
Career consolidation
Career consolidation
Creation of a new social network for which the middle aged adults primary work serves as a hub
Following generativity vs stagnation is another stage called ___________
Keeper of the meaning
Keeper of the meaning
Middle aged adults focus on preserving the institutions and values of their culture that they believe will benefit future generations
Midlife crisis theory
People no longer focus on “time since birth” and now see life as “time left before death”
Typically, midlife crisis happen at this age
Roughly 40
Life events approach
Theoretical perspective on middle adulthood that focuses on normative and non-normative events and how adults in this age group respond to them
Role conflict
Any situation in which two or more roles are at least partially incompatible, either because they call for different behaviours or because their seperate demand add up to more hours then there are in days
Helping dad fix the garage or going to some baseball game
Role strain
The strain experienced by an individual whose own qualities or skills do not measure up to the demands of some role
Martial stability and satisfaction ______ on mid-life as conflicts over child-rearing and other matters ________
_____ friendships increase while __________ friendships decrease
Skilled diplomacy
A problem solving skill that involves the confrontation of the spouse about an issue, followed by a period during which the confronting spouse works to restore harmony
Skilled diplomacy is often seen more in _____
Women / wives
Multigenerational caregivers
Middle aged adults who are caring both for elderly parents and young adult children at the same time
Called the Sandwhich generation
Caregiver burden
The cumulative negative effects of caring for an elderly or disabled person
Nearly __% of Canadians caregivers are experiencing the mid life squeeze
Even though these caregivers experience stress and other factors for taking care of so many people, it’s crucial to understand that:
The vast majority of these caregivers still experience personal satisfaction or enjoyment from providing assistance to care recipient
Almost __/__ Canadian adults become grandparents
3 basic styles of grand parenting
1) companionate relationships
2) remote relationships
3) involved relationships
Companionate relationships don’t
Grandparents have frequent contact and warm interactions with other grandchildren
Remote relationships
Grandparents do not see their grandchildren often
Involved relationships
Grandparents are directly involved in the everyday care of grandchildren or have close emotional ties with them
The total number of friends in mid adulthood is _____ than that in younger adulthood
Friendships depends less on ____________ than on a sense that friends are there to provide ___________
Frequent contact
Social support
The big 5 personality traits are relatively ______ from childhood to adult age
In adult age, ______, _______, and _______ decline
Openness, extraversion, and neuroticism
______, and ———— increases until age 70
Agreeableness and conscientiousness
________ become less negative over time
Personality is an important contributor to middle aged adults capacity for _____________
Managing stress
Lack of energy, exhaustion, and pessimism that results from chronic stress
Involved narrowing ones range of activities, by focussing on only the most central tasks, giving responsibility to others
Involves the deliberate “exercise” of crucial abilities so as to remain as close to maximum skill as possible
Involves pragmatic strategies for overcoming specific obstacles, such as getting stronger glasses or better hearing aids
Selective optimization with compensation steps
Emplyees tend to favour ______ people as new employees
Involuntary career changes often experience more ________ disorders and ___________. Financial stress and martial issues. To overcome this, people need strong _____________
Mental health
Physical illness
Supportive relationships
All the bad impacts from involuntary career change are immediately reversed once:
You get another job
Voluntary career change
Leave on career to pursue another for a variety of reasons such as a more fulfilling job
Involuntary nonmobility
Particularly when a worker remains in a non preferred job but can’t find work anywhere else
Many middle aged adults start preparing for retiring ____ years in advance
Bridge employment
Typically a job that is related to the retiree career but is less demanding than the job from which she is retiring
Financial literacy
Knowing how much to save up for retirement