Chapter 13 and 14 Flashcards
Early adulthood age
Two types of aging
Primary and secondary
Primary aging
Age related physical change that have a biological basis and are universally shared and inevitable
Grey hair, wrinkles
Secondary aging
Age related changes that are due to social and environmental influences, poor health habits, or disease
20-34 years olds rarely die from _____
Rich people are generally _______ and _______ than the poor
Live longer
Socioeconomic inequality
Spread between rich and poor
Big factor for who lives longer
Influences of health
50% socioeconomic factors
25% healthcare
15% biology / genetics
10% physical environment
Biological embedding
First few years of a child’s life cause epigenetic modifications in the brain, that determines trajectory of a person health
Sick as a kid a lot = sick as adult a lot
Healthy as a kid = healthy as adult
Health adjusted life expectancy
Number of years a new born is expected to live
Disability-adjusted life years
Measure of gap between populations ideal and actual levels of health
Brain and nervous system
No matter what age, your brain is always ____ and going through ______
Response inhibition
Ex: giving each answer of multiple choice test a fair weight
“Bite your tongue” when taking to not say the wrong thing
Limbic system
Part of brain that regulates emotional responses
Adults in their 20’s have more _______, maximum bone calcium, more ______, better _____, hearing, and _______
More muscle tissue
More brain mass
Better eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell
Maximum oxygen uptake (V02 max)
Measure of the body’s ability to take in and transport oxygen to various body organs
The older you get, the less __———
Muscle strength you have
Women in their 30’s have a higher risk for _____ and other complications
The ability to conceive is the best in:
The late teens and early 20’s
Men’s reproductive capacity declines but
Far slower than women
2 keys organs in the immune system are:
The thymus gland and the bone marrow
Between the thymus gland and bone marrow, they create two types of cells, what are they?
B cells
T cells
B cells
Fight against external threats by producing antibodies against such diseases
T cells
Defend against estentially internal threats, such as transplanted tissue and cancer cells
Changes in the ____ gland tend to be central to the _____ process
Thymus gland
Aging process
In every age group, those with poorer health, __________
Have a greater risk of mortality
7 hood health habits
1) get physical exercise
2) do not smoke
3) do not drink
4) do not over or under eat
5) do not snack
6) eat breakfast
7) get regular sleep
The importance of social support
Adults with social support show better health then adults without it
Have strong social ties!! It keeps you healthy
Locus of control
Set of beliefs about the cause of events
STI’s are most popular with ____ and the most popular STI is _______
Young adults
HIV is on the rise in ______, ______, ______ and _______ people
How many people in Canada have aids?
Over 70,000
17,000 are female
Intimate partner violence
Physical acts or other behavior intended to intimidate or harm an intimate partner
8/10 victims on violence are
Both men and women are at higher risk of violence from ______ is than _______
Dating partners
Gay, lesbian, or bio sexual peolple are ___ times as likely to be victims of______
Characteristics of the abuser
Jealously Sudden mood swings Quick temper Aggressive men Alcohol or drug use
Characteristics of victim
Abused as child
Young women (16-24)
Alcohol or drug users
How abused peolple are affected
They’re upset, confused, or frustrated
May consider suicide to escape
Jobs may suffer
Preventing intimate partner abuse
Vigorous law enforcement could help
Training programs for police and nurses may help
School learning
Sexual assault
Any form of sexual activity with another person without their consent
3 levels of sexual assault
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1 of sexual assault
Kissing, touching, oral or anal sex, intercourse
Level 2 of sexual assault
Sexual assault with a weapon or resulting in bodily harm
Level 3 sexual assault
Aggravated sexual assault
Wounding, maiming, disfiguring
Sexual assault has psychological effects. Such as _______ and ___________
Sexual dysfunctions
Post traumatic stress disorder
Serious mental disorder characterized by disturbances of thought as delusions or hallucinations
The risk of every metal health disorder is higher in __________
Early adulthood than late adulthood
Early adulthood is when you have the highest expectations and the highest levels of:
Role conflict and role strain
Many mental health disorders are believed to come from:
Biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors
Mental disorder tend to:
Run in families
Most common mental disorders are those associated with:
Fear and anxiety
Anxiety disorders include:
Phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, and panic disorder
Stressors of young adulthood lead to serious disturbances in _____, _____ and _____ functioning that aren’t easy to treat
To be diagnosed with a disorder, you must
Exhibiting behavior since mid or later adolescence
Demonstrate the behavior consistently across all kinds of situations
Personality disorder types
Antisocial Paranoid Histrionic Narcissistic Borderline
What % of Canadians have schizophrenia
Alcohol and drug abuse peak in the years of
Binge drinking often leads to:
Higher rates of unprotected sex, physical injury, drunk driving, issue with police
Four factors that influence a drugs addictiveness
1) how fast it kicks in
2) how pleasurable the effects are
3) how long the pleasure lasts
4) how much discomfort is felt
Post formal thought
Types of thinking that are associated with a hypothesized fifth stage of cognitive development
Idea that some propositions cannot be adequately described as true or false
Dialectical thought
Form of thought involving recognition and acceptance of paradox and uncertaincy
Reflective judgment
Ability to identify the underlying assumption or differing perspectives on controversial issues
IQ score remain ____ over the years
Crystallized intelligence
Depends heavily on intelligence and experiences
Fluid intelligence
Basic abilities
Post secondary education
Any formal education experience that follows high school
Canada is ranked #1 in the world for:
Post secondary education
Canadians run the risk of being :
Overqualified and underemployed
Soft skills
Having a positive attitude and people relationship skills
Shortage of youth in
Intimacy vs isolation
Ericksons early adulthood stage in which an individual must find a life partner or supportive friends to avoid social isolation
Capacity to engage in a supportive affectionate relationship, without losing ones own sense of self
Success in intimacy versus isolation stage depends on:
A good resolution of the identity vs role confusion crisis
Life structure
Levinson theory: the underlying pattern or design of a persons life at a given time. Including roles,, relationships, and behavior patterns
Adults cycle through periods of :
Stability and instability
Levinsons period of adjustment
Noice stage
Levinsons stage where adults become more competent at meeting the challenges through reassessment and reorginization of the life structure they created during novice stage
Mid-era phase
Levinson stage where stability returns and adults have succeeded in creating a life structure that allows them to manage the demands of the new developmental challenges with more confidence and less distress
Emerging adulthood
Period from the late teens to early 20’s where individuals explore options prior to committing to adult roles
Intimate relationships form the _______ from which most young adults move out into the adult world
Secure base
Marriages in Canada are quickly starting to mirror out _______ _______
Sociodemograhpic diversity
Evolutionary theories
Often cite research on sex differences in mate preferences and mating behaviours to support their views
Men prefer:
Physically attractive younger women
Women look for men with:
Higher socioeconomic status, offering earning potential and stability
Parental investment theory
Sex difference in mate preference and mating behavior are based on the different amounts of time and effort men and women must invest in child rearing
Social role theory
The idea that sex differences in mate preferences and mating behavior are adaptions to gender roles
People are drawn to each other who
Are of similar age, education, social class, ethnic group, religion, attitude
Assertive mating (homogamy)
Sociologist term for the tendency to mate with some one who has traits similar to ones own
Average age for marriage in women and men
- 1 women
31. 1 men
3 factors of marriage
Conflict managent
Large majority of adults believe that _____ issues are more important than _______ aspects
In marriage, each partner brings ____,______, and ______
Skills, resources, and traits
Attitudes towards marriage does what
Affects the marital stability
Adults create internal models of ______ to their sprouse that reseblmes their attachment to their _______
Sternberg suggested 3 key components of love, what are they
Intimacy, passion, and commitment
With the 3 theories of sternbergs love, how many possibilities are there
Sternbergs intimacy
Feelings that promote closeness and connectedness
Sternbergs passion
Feelings of intense longing for union with the other person
Sternbergs commitment
Sticking with that partner for a long time
Three types of couples
Validating couples
Volatile couples
Avoidant couples
Validating couples
Partners who express mutual respect, even in arguemnets and are good listeners
Volatile couples
Argue a lot, don’t listen well, but still have positive and negative interactions
Avoidant couples
Partners who “agree to disagree” and minimize conflict by avoiding each other
Two types of unsuccessful marriages
Hostile/engaged couples
Hostile/detached couples
Hostile / engaged couples
Have frequent arguments
Lack humour and affection
Hostile / detached couples
Fight regularly, rarely look at each other, and lack affection and support
What percentage of marriages will end in divorce within 30 years of marriage
Men typically divorce at age ____ while women divorce at age ____
- 1 men
40. 5 women
The average marriage lasts ___ many years
Divorce typically leads to an increase in _________
Mental health problems
Men are ___times more likely to become _____ following a marital breakdown
Women are ___times more likely to become ______ after marital breakdown
Most men leave a marriage with far more __________ than women. But, women typically gain _____ of the kids.
Divorce women typically make below the normal _____ and men typically continue to prosper
Earning power
Studies show that those who cohabit before marriage have a
2 times more likely divorce rate
Living apart together
Intimate partners who do not live together
/ same sex couples are married, while the rest live common law
____ and _____ partners are often more dependent on each other for social support
Gay and lesbian
Mature singles who _______________ do not value being part of a couple or family
Do not intend to marry
Many singles still have___________
Intimate relationships
What percentage of people do not wants kids
6-9% of Canadians
___% of parents beloved parenting is the most important thing they could do
New parents may ______ about ________ philosophies
Child rearing
Between ___ to ___% of new mother experience postpartum depression
Postpartum depression
Severe mood disturbance resulting in feelings of sadness
Positive behavior changes such as ________, often accompany parenthood
Risky bevahious
Martial satisfaction is at its peak before the birth of ________ and remains low until the __________ leave home
The first child
Last child
Motherhood earnings gap
Measure showing how much the earnings of women with children are below those of women without children
Couples without children reported more _______ then couples with children
Women without children are likely to have
Full time careers
Family role, typically upheld by female, that holds the responsibility for maintaining family and friends relationships
Family relationships are held by _____
Friends are chosen the same as _____
Women typically have more __________. That involve close, _____ relationships
Close friends
Male friends are less ______ and still like to ______
Young people tend to choose careers that
Are in the same social class as parents
People personalities often play a large factor in their choice of ____
Career development
Process of adapting to the workplace, managing career transitions, and pursuing goals through employment
Supers stages of career development
Growth stage
Exploratory stage
Establishment stage
Mantenance stage
Growth stage
Birth to 14
Learn our abilities and interests
Exploratory stage
Decide on job or career
Establishment stage
Has a job, now must build career latter
Maintenance stage
Protect and maintain gains
Keep up with younger workers
Job satisfaction is at its lowest in
Early adulthood
__/___ Canadian families with at least one kid have two full time employee parents
How many years does it take a Canadian youth to make the transition from school to full-time work
7 years