Chapter 15 Flashcards
Chromosome theory of inheritance
Mendelian genes have specific loci along chromosomes.
Wild type
Most common genotype in nature, doesn’t mean it’s recessive or dominant.
Linked genes
Genes located near/on the same chromosome TEND to be inherited together.
On either sex chromosome. Men are not usually carriers (X Y).
New combination of genes compared to parent genes.
Genetic recombination
Due to crossing over of genes. Offspring with combinations that differ.
Sex gender determination systems
- XX-XY: Mammals
- XX-X__: some insects, crickets, grasshoppers
- ZW-ZZ: Common in birds, some fish, and some insects
- Haplo-Diploid: Most bees and ants.
Sex chromosomes do NOT always determine the sex.
Develop from unfertilized eggs. Most bees and ants.
ZW = female, ZZ = Male. Common in birds, some fish, and some insects.
XX - Female, X(O) - Male. Some insects.
Heterozygous for sex linked trait = half cells one allele, other half another allele.
Members of a pair don’t move apart properly during meiosis I or II. Leads to aneuploidy. Disjunction: what normally happens.
Abnormal # of a particular chromosome.
Additional Chromosome. 2n + 1.
Missing 1 chromosome. 2n - 1.
Having an unusual number of chromosome sets. 2n -> 3n or 4n, etc.
-Can be caused by the failure of a zygote to divide, leaving it a 2n. Then during mitosis, it becomes a 4n.
-Common in plants
-Rare in animals.
Alterations in Chromosome structure
- Deletions: Chromosomal fragment is lost
- Duplication: Broken fragment may become reattached as an extra segment to a sister or non-sister chromatid.
- Inversions: Flipped code.
- Translocation: change places.
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
XXY. Where men are born with an extra X chromosome.
Klinefelter syndrome may increase the risk of:
-Anxiety and depression.
-Social, emotional and behavioral problems, such as low self-esteem, emotional immaturity and impulsiveness.
-Infertility and problems with sexual function.
-Weak bones (osteoporosis)
-Heart and blood vessel disease.
-Breast cancer and certain other cancers
Supermale, does not equal more testosterone.
About 1 in 1,000 boys have it. Boys with XYY syndrome — also known as 47,XYY — might be taller than other boys. Other symptoms can include problems with spoken language and processing spoken words, coordination problems, weaker muscles, hand tremors, and behavioral problems.
Trisomy X
An extra X chromosome in women. Although females with this condition may be taller than average, this chromosomal change typically causes no unusual physical features.
Turner’s Syndrome
Turner syndrome, a condition that affects only females, results when one of the X chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or partially missing. Turner syndrome can cause a variety of medical and developmental problems, including short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects.
Trisomy 18
Edward’s Syndrome. Developement problems.
Trisomy 21
Down Syndrome
Trisomy 13
Patau’s syndrome