Chapter 15 Flashcards
Autism Spectrum Disorder
- difficulty in social communication/interaction
- repetitive behavior, interests, activities
- encompasses previous diagnoses of autistic disorder, aspergers disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder
DSM-5 Criteria for autism
- difficulties in 2 areas: social-communication and restricted, repetitive and/or sensory behaviors/interests
- characteristics from early childhood
- often diagnosed before 30mo
Social Communication difficulties in autism
- rarely using language
- no interest in friends
- no imaginary play
- limited facial expressions
Restricted, repetitive, and sensory behavior/interests
- lining up things in particular way
- repetitive gestures
- very narrow interests
- trouble with change
- sensory sensitivities
Anxiety disorders in childhood and adolescence
- often comorbid
- most common disorder in kids/teens (32%)
- higher rates in girls
- most often specific phobias (almost 20% of kids), social anxiety disorder (5-10%), separation anxiety disorder (7%ish), and PTSD (8% girls, 3% boys)
Phobia types in children (in order)
- Animal (dogs, bugs, snakes)
- Natural environment (dark, storms, heights, water)
- Blood-Injection-Injury (needles, seeing blood/injuries)
- Situational (flying, driving, small spaces)
- Other
Separation anxiety disorder
- excessive anxiety ab separation from major attachment figures/home surroundings
- lack self-confidence, apprehensive in new situations
- slightly more common in girls
- might go away on its own
- more likely to have other anxiety-based disorders (like phobias and OCD)
Causal factors in anxiety disorders (kids/teens)
- anxious children show early sensitivity
- experience of trauma through hospitalization/violence
- parents can foster anxiety in child (overprotective or detached)
Treatment and outcomes in childhood anxiety
- same meds as for adults (esp. benzodiazepines)
- CBT effective at reducing symptoms in young children
- exposure therapy effective for adults, teens, and kids
Childhood depression
- sadness, withdrawal, crying, poor sleep/appetite, suicidal thoughts/attempts
- core feature often irritability (not sadness like in adults)
- about 12% of kids/teens diagnosed
- rates start climbing significantly in adolescence
- higher rates in girls (biggest diff. starts in puberty)
Childhood bipolar disorder
- less often but is still diagnosed in children/teens
- dramatic rise in diagnoses in last decade
- might be both bc world more likely to create bipolar AND bc we are now better at detecting it
Causal factors in childhood depression/bipolar
- genetics play big role
- in utero exposure to alcohol
- exposure to negative parental behaviors/emotional states
Treatment and outcomes in childhood depression/bipolar
- 38% receive mental health treatment
- antidepressants used (but increased risk of suicide)
- CBT reduces symptoms
Video clip on teen suicide
- 44, 000 Americans die by suicide each year (1 every 12 mins)
- over a million attempts per year in US
- increase in annual rates since 1999
- 2nd highest cause of death in young people
- need to give students love and support; they need to know someone cares
- wrote letters to each of 130 students to acknowledge their strengths and encourage them
According to the teacher in the TED talk, ________ is the solution to the teen suicide epidemic
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
- recurrent pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior towards authority figures for at least 6mo
- angry, argumentative, vindictive
- often develops into conduct disorder (risks: family discord, SES disadvantage, parental antisocial behavior)
Conduct disorder (CD)
- usually diagnosed after ODD
- diagnosed around 12, early diagnosis at 10
- earlier diagnosis more likely to have antisocial PD later
- persistent, repetitive violation of rules and disregard for rights of others
- different from ODD; in ODD kids don’t like being controlled, in CD more aggressive behavior/cruelty
- comorbid w other disorders (esp substance abuse)
- girls more likely to get pregnant
Causal factors in ODD and CD
- self-perpetuating downward spiral
- genetic predisposition: low verbal intelligence, neuropsychological problems, difficult temperament
- strong heritable effect of conduct problems and antisocial behavior
Risks for development of antisocial PD after CD
- younger CD = higher likelihood of psychopathy/antisocial as adult
- stronger link in low SES
- 80% of boys w early-onset CD have multiple problems of social dysfunction as adults