Chapter 15 Flashcards
What percent of Americans cohabit before marriage?
Institutional Marriage (1700s-1800s)
Practical, traditional, patriarchal
Farm owners. Expected each partner to work very hard. You combined land. Men make all of the decisions in the household.
Had very little to do with love or fulfillment
Companionate Marriage (1850s-1965ish)
Industrialization made meeting basic needs easier
The expectation then became marrying for love, companionship
–But not your best friend, so it was very common to have separate gender spaces like ladies night
Strict gender-based expectations:
–Supposed to balance each other
–Husband = head of household and breadwinner
–Wife = homemaker, mother
Personal fulfillment was expected, but that was focused on being a good wife or husband
Individualized Marriage (1965ish-now)
Women starting working and made their own money. They were able to leave partner, became more picky, and did not need to get married at all.
Marriage = optional, more flexible and equitable
Expectations are very high: spouse should be your best friends life partner, co-parent, lover, and life coach/therapist
–Never expected before, and it is a lot to expect this from one person
–The growth in expectations is good: reaching ideal form of marriage = extremely high levels of marital satisfaction (higher than ever)
–But also bad: higher expectations = fewer people getting married, more marriages failing. More people are satisfied.
–We expect a lot, but we do not put a lot of time in (because we have to put in time for hobbies, work, etc.)
What are differences of heterosexual and homo relationships?
More equality in role (Person with most power/resources typically does less housework)
More positive and less negative feelings about your partner
More likely to break up, though this is changing in US. Divorce rates similar to lower
Gay male couples have sex more often than hetero couples, and are liekly to engage in non-monogamy
Social Exchange Theory
Examine rewards and coasts: relationships with higher rewards than costs are more satisfying
Comparison Level of what you deserve and of alternate partners
Investment Theory
Investment Theory
Satisfaction and stability affected by how much you have invested (social exchange theory)
Equity Theory
Relationship satisfaction is affected by the ratio of cost and benefits for each partner and perception of the same
Exchange vs Communal Relationship
Comparison Theory
Comparison Level of what you deserve and of alternate partners
Exchange Relationships
Focus on equity moment to moment, making sure things are always equal
Communal Relationships
Focus one bigger picture, figuring equity will be achieved over time
Higher relationship satisfaction compared to exchange
How can couples stay satisfied?
Engage in Positive Communication
Have regular sex
Allow and promote self exploration
Sexual Communal Strength
A willingness to satisfy your partners sexual needs even when they may not align with your own desires
Self-expansion theory
Humans have a fundamental need to grow over time
Hub and Spoke Model
one person (usually a man) is at the center (the hub) and all other partners are on the periphery (the spokes)