Chapter 11 Flashcards
What is the average menstrual cycle? What is the range?
Average Cycle: 28-30 Days
Range between 20-40 Days
When does ovulation occur?
14 days before menstruation
How many cycles do we have on average in our reproductive years?
Small almond shaped that contains follicles
What is housed in each follicle?
One egg or ova
How many eggs mature?
Pain during menstruation
Primary Dysmenorrhea
Usually cramps, typical pain
Secondary Dysmenorrhea
Caused by other problems, not typical pain
What percent of people experience dysmenorrhea?
Pre-menstrual Syndrome
Variety of symptoms that occur between ovulation and menstruation
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Severe, debilitating symptoms (at least 5)
Symptoms must start with 7 days of period, go away a few days after period staters, happens during multiple cycles
What percent of people have PMDD?
Where is sperm produced?
Why are the testicles outside the body?
Sperm production requires a lower temperature