Chapter 14 - Physical Examinations Flashcards
Essentially, there are four types of routine physical examinations. They are the Entrance, Periodic Health Assessment (PHA), Reenlistment, and what other physicals?
What provides specific instructions on how and when each type of physical is to be conducted?
Entrance physical examinations are normally performed at what?
Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS)
Entrance physical examination results are documented on the Report of Medical Examination (DD 2808) and Report of Medical History (what form) ?
DD 2807-1
The Periodic Health Assessment will be conducted annually, IAW what series?
The results of reenlistment physical examination are recorded on form DD 2807, Report of Medical History and what other form, Report of Medical Examination?
Separation examinations are required for personnel separation from the Navy, the Marine Corps, and Activated Reservists serving how many consecutive days or greater on active duty?
A thorough physical examination must be completed not less than how many days from the last day served on active duty?
What screenings prevent the arrival of service members and families at a duty station with special requirements beyond the capability of the local medical, dental, educational, or community facilities?
The Navy uses many materials in its work places, some of which are potentially hazardous to personnel. To minimize the risk associated with these hazardous substances, the Navy developed what series?
What program provides physical examination and medical monitoring guidelines for personnel who are exposed to or work with/in hazardous materials or hazardous environments?
Medical Surveillance Program
What are the single most important factor in determining fitness for duty in today’s Navy?
Medical evaluation boards
What series, Department of the Navy Disability Evaluation Manual, provides a listing of “ Medical Conditions and Physical Defects Which Normally are Cause for Referral to the Physical Evaluation Board”?
The abbreviated board report is used only when a member is expected to return to full duty after an adequate period of treatment. Processing time should not exceed how many working days to report Temporary Limited Duty (TLD)?
What form is used to complete Routine, Special Duty, and Medical Evaluation Boards examinations?
DD 2807-1
What form is used to complete Separation examinations?
DD 2697
What form is used to complete the suitability screening for members that have orders for overseas and remote duty locations?
NAVMED 1300/1
What testing determines the ability of the eye to discriminate fine detail?
Visual acuity
What test distant visual acuity?
Snellen charts
When the Armed Forces Vision Tester (AFVT) is not available, what are used to test near vision?
Jaeger cards
What is a semi-portable machine that has the capability to test near and distant visual acuity, horizontal and vertical phorias, and stereopsis (depth perception)?
Armed Forces Vision Tester (AFVT)
The Navy has two methods of testing color discrimination: the Farnsworth Lantern Test (FALANT) and the what?
Pseudoisochromatic Plates (PIP)
When administering the Pseudoisochromatic Plates (PIP) examination, hold the plates how many inches from the examine?
What is a record of hearing thresholds an individual has for various sound frequencies?