Chapter 14: Forest Wildlife Management Flashcards
In forestry, this describes all non-domesticated animals, plants, and other organisms
What does wildlife typically focus on?
What percentage of global biodiversity is in forests?
What are two ways that wildlife are integral components of forests?
- Ecological roles; 2. Forest goods and services
Wildlife are traditionally seen as this in forest management
Is wildlife usually a primary objective in forest management?
Is management now more explicitly wildlife-oriented?
What are three types of inherent value of wildlife?
Consumptive, non-consumptive, biodiversity
What are three examples of consumptive activities involving wildlife?
Hunting, fishing, fur trapping
What are five consumptive values of wildlife?
Food, fur, recreation, cultural value, income
What are three non-consumptive activities involving wildlife?
Birding, photography, outdoor recreation
What are three non-consumptive values of wildlife?
Recreational, cultural, income
This wildlife value maintains ecosystem integrity
Biodiversity value
Do only a few species play important roles in wildlife biodiversity value?
What are four examples of wildlife biodiversity values?
Ecosystem services, food, drugs, ecotourism
What are five different types of forest species?
- Early successional; 2. Mixed-age forest; 3. Old-growth forest; 4. Edge habitat; 5. Riparian zone
Many species thrive after this in early succession
In early successional forests, these provide nutritious seeds and forest
Pioneer plants
These two types of animals use pioneer habitats for nesting
Birds and rodents
These forest habitats have patchy disturbance leading to forest mosaics
Mixed-age forests
Mixed-age forests have patches in different these
Successional stages
In mixed-age forests, this leads to diverse food and shelter
Complex habitat
Do mixed-age forests support high species diversity?
What are three characteristics of old-growth forests?
- Large living trees/snags; 2. Multi-layered vegetation; 3. Pit and mound forest floor
Old-growth forests have many specialist species with small these
Are old-growth forests often home to rare/endangered species?
This type of forest habitat is often diverse and complex
Edge habitat
Edge habitats offer these two resources in close proximity
Food and cover
Edge habitats support high diversity of these three types of animals
Insects, birds, rodents
Edge habitats often attract these
These forest habitats have vegetation bordering water bodies
Riparian zones
Riparian zones are often productive, with this type of soil
Wet and fertile
These may play a regenerative role in riparian zone forest habitats
What two types of fauna do riparian zone forest habitats support?
Terrestrial and aquatic
Riparian zone forest habitats are vital nesting grounds for these
What are four influences of wildlife on forests?
- Dispersal; 2. Insect predation; 3. Herbivory; 4. Soil cycling
What are two ways animals influence plant dispersal?
Dispersing seeds/spores and pollination
Insect predation by wildlife in forests is important for this
Pest control
What are two ways herbivory influences forests?
Grazing/browsing acts as disturbance and selective grazing can stall succession
What is one way wildlife influence forest soil cycling?
Earthworms/burrowers mix soils
What are five forest management activities that affect wildlife?
- Fire suppression; 2. Prescribed burning; 3. Timber harvest; 4. Forest fragmentation; 5. Chemical application
What are four ways fire suppression affects forest wildlife?
- Alter natural disturbance regimes; 2. Promotes late successional forests; 3. Favors shade tolerant trees; 4. Eliminates early successional biota that require disturbance
What are two ways prescribed burning is important for forest wildlife?
- Management of early successional forests; 2. Restoring fire-dependent systems
What are four ways timber harvesting affects forest wildlife?
- Replacing fire as disturbance; 2. Increasing edge habitat; 3. Benefits early succession/edge species; 4. Large clearcuts decrease diversity
What are three ways that fragmenting forest with roads and harvesting affects wildlife?
- Reducing forest core; 2. Increasing forest edge; 3. Roads raise stream sedimentation
How do harvesting and roads affect forest patches?
Patch size decreases and patch isolation increases
How do harvesting and roads affect forest core and edge habitats?
Decreasing core and increasing edge
What are two ways that chemical use affects forest wildlife?
- Reduces food supply for herbivores and insectivores; 2. Bioaccumulation concentrates toxins up the food chain
Banning this chemical has lead to resurgence of raptors
What are five methods of managing forests for wildlife?
- Protecting endangered species; 2. Preserving snags/woody debris; 3. Protecting riparian zones; 4. Protecting unique habitats; 5. Manipulating wildlife habitat
This is the primary cause of forest species extinction
Habitat loss
Management must protect this for endangered species
Critical habitat
Large predators need this
Large range
Protecting these species is a strategy for preserving biodiversity
Umbrella species
These are often destroyed during harvest
Snags and woody debris
What are three ways that different types of snags/woody debris are crucial habitat components?
- Snag cavities nest birds and mammals; 2. Slash piles provide cover and food; 3. Fallen logs provide food and habitat
In proper snag management, how many snags should be retained per acre?
At least 2-4
What are two ways to recruit snags from living trees?
Girdling and injection
What are five reasons why riparian zones are excellent wildlife habitat?
- High plant and insect diversity; 2. Natural travel corridors; 3. Sources of standing water; 4. Abundant dead wood; 5. Reducing sediment runoff
In riparian forest zones, these enhance fish habitat
Fallen logs
What is another name for riparian forest management zones?
Streamside management zones
Are wider stream management zones more effective for wildlife?
What are six examples of small unique habitats in forests?
- Vernal ponds; 2. Wetlands; 3. Old home sites; 4. Oak groves; 5. Blackberry thickets; 6. Rock outcrops and boulder fields
What are three wildlife needs that manipulating wildlife habitat can address?
Food, water, cover
What are two goals of manipulating wildlife habitat?
Increasing plant diversity and increasing habitat complexity
What effect does increasing plant diversity have on forest habitats?
Provides variety of food and shelter
What effect does increasing habitat complexity have on forest habitats?
Supports greater biodiversity
This refers to seeds and fruits of woody plant species
What are the two types of mast?
Hard and soft mast
What are three examples of hard mast?
Acorns, hickory nuts, beechnuts
What are three examples of soft mast?
Catkins, berries, drupes
Mast yield varies depending on these three factors
Species, location, climate
What are three forest wildlife management methods?
- Silvicultural methods; 2. Prescribed fire; 3. Other tools
Even-aged management promotes these species
Early successional species
Silvicultural methods are useful for habitat of these three species
Deer, quail, turkey
This silvicultural method increases light and mast production in a forest
Thinning is very effective combined with this silvicultural method
This type of cutting is used in uneven-aged forests
Selective cutting
What type of tree should cutting target?
Less valuable wildlife trees
This forest management method reduces duff and improves forage
Prescribed fire
What is prescribed fire often combined with to manage forests for wildlife?
These two forest management methods can promote grass species
Disking and mowing
Food plots plant these two types of plants as a forest wildlife management method
Grains and legumes
What are two artificial structures that can be built to manage forest wildlife?
Nest boxes and artificial ponds