Chapter 10: Forest Surveying & Mapping Flashcards
What are four uses of surveying and mapping techniques?
- Locating property/forest boundaries; 2. Locating key surface features; 3. Creating forest stand maps; 4. Forest inventory/sampling
What are three examples of key surface features found by surveying and mapping techniques?
Roads, streams, utility lines
What are two ways of surveying distance?
- Pacing; 2. Chaining
When is pacing used for surveying distance?
When high accuracy not needed
How many steps is a pace?
Pacing is this for each individual
How many feet is a chain?
This surveying method is used for higher accuracy
Chaining uses these to measure distance
Metal tapes
How many feet is 2 chains?
What are two ways of determining direction?
- Magnetic compass; 2. GPS receiver
This method of determining direction is favored by many foresters
Magnetic compass
Are magnetic compasses cheap and simple to use for determining direction?
This method of determining direction is used for higher accuracy
GPS receiver
Is GPS use supplanting magnetic compasses?
There are two main systems for surveying these in the United States
Land parcels
This system for surveying land parcels uses natural landmarks for delineation
Metes and bounds
Who originated the metes and bounds system?
The metes and bounds systems was historically used here
Thirteen colonies
This system for surveying land parcels was established by Congress in 1785
Public Land Survey System
What are the _ basic units of the Public Land Survey System?
- Township; 2.
What size is a township?
36 square miles (6 x 6 miles)
How many sections is a township divided into?
36 sections (1 x 1 miles each)
What are smaller sections a township can be divided into?
Quarters or smaller parcels
Townships are located using these
The “township” of a township is determined by this coordinate
The range of a township is determined by this coordinate
T and R coordinates use these lines to survey land
Principal meridians and baselines
How many acres are in a section?
What are four types of information that forest maps provide?
- Property boundaries; 2. Size/location of forest stands; 3. Stand properties; 4. Surface features
What are three examples of stand properties that forest maps can describe?
Age, species composition, density
What are three examples of surface features that can be on forest maps?
Roads, streams, utilities
Maps are made using these two types of information
Remote sensing and field data
What are two types of remote sensing imagery?
- Aerial photos; 2. Satellite images
What are four types of information about a forest that can come from remote sensing imagery?
- Stand area; 2. Tree species composition; 3. Timber volume; 4. Forest health
What are three types of information about forests can be gained from infrared photos?
- Species identification; 2. Soil moisture; 3. Vegetation stress
What are _ types of timber surveys?
- Strategic surveys; 2. Management-oriented surveys; 3. Timber appraisals
These timber surveys are extensive and low intensity
Strategic surveys
These timber surveys are used for a broad picture of overall forest
Strategic surveys
What are strategic surveys used for?
To established broad management and use policies
Which group often uses strategic surveys?
USFS Forest Inventory and Monitoring Survey
This type of timber survey requires data on specific forests
Management-oriented survey
What are four inventories on standing timber taken by management-oriented surveys?
- Timber quantity; 2. Timber quality; 3. Age; 4. Location
In management-oriented surveys, this is needed to make forest projections
Growth increment
In management-oriented surveys, this is often surveyed
This type of timber survey requires very specific data and is very intensive
Timber appraisal
What is the main purpose of timber appraisal?
Assessing sale value of forest land/timber
Timber appraisals require precise measure of how many trees in a forest?
Many or all trees
What are _ types of tree measurement?
- Diameter; 2. Basal area; 3. Height; 4. Volume; 5. Age and growth increment;
This diameter is most common
Diameter at breast height (DBH)
What is the standard DBH?
4.5 feet
What are two accurate tools used in measuring diameter?
D-tape and calipers
What is a ‘quick and dirty’ tool used in measuring diameter?
Biltmore stick
Measuring DBH provides this type of diameter
Diameter outside bark
This tool is used to measure bark depth
Bark gauge
This measurement is the stem area at 4.5’
Basal area
What are the typical units for basal area?
Square feet/acre
What are two simple tools used to estimate basal area?
Angle gauge and wedge prism
What are the two different tree height measurements?
Total height and merchantable height
This is the smallest diameter at the top of the tree that a mill will buy
Merchantable height
Who sets merchantable height?
Local markets
What are two tools used to measure tree height?
Hypsometer and height pole
This type of tree measurement cannot be measured directly
What two measurements are needed to calculate tree volume?
Diameter and height
Many of these have been published for tree volume measurement
Equations and tables
What are the two types of tree volumes?
Total and merchantable volume
What are three units used in tree volume measurement?
Board feet, cubic feet, weight (usually tons)
How is tree age assessed?
Count of growth rings
The width of recent rings determines this
Growth increment
Do conifers or hardwoods have more distinct rings that are easier to age in the field?
This tool is used to extract increment cores
What forest/stand aspect can forest sampling estimate?
What are two ways that forests are sampled?
Fixed-plot and variable plot sampling
This type of forest sampling uses sets of plots of fixed dimension
Fixed-plot sampling
What is the typical plot area?
0.1-0.2 acres
What are three plot shapes that can be used in fixed-plot sampling?
Square, rectangle, circle
In fixed-plot sampling, which trees are sampled within a plot?
All trees
This type of forest sampling is also called point sampling
Variable plot sampling
The probability of a tree being sampled is proportional to this
Size of the tree
Does variable-plot sampling tally more large or small trees?
Large trees
What is the advantage of variable-plot sampling?
A good estimate can be acquired by sampling fewer trees
What kind of tools determine which trees to sample in variable-plot sampling?
Optical tools
What are the two arrangements of sample plots?
- Random sample; 2. Systematic sampling
In this sample plot arrangement, plot location is completely random
Random sampling
This type of random sampling randomly assigns plots to different stand types
Stratified random sampling
In this sampling arrangement, plots fall on a rectilinear grid
Systematic sampling
Can systematic sampling be biased?
These two types of data are essential for forest management and are taken periodically on most stands
Growth and yield
This is the timber volume at a given time
This is the volume change over time
These types of plots are set aside for collecting growth data
Permanent plots
What are the four components of forest growth?
- Ingrowth; 2. Survivor growth; 3. Mortality; 4. Cut
This is the volume of new trees
This is the volume change of surviving trees
Survivor growth
This is the volume of trees that died
This is the volume of harvests
What is the equation for net growth?
Net growth = Ingrowth + survivor growth - mortality - cut
This quantifies the potential of a site for growing forest
Site index
What does site index measure?
The mean height of dominant/codominant trees for a species at a specific base age
What type of stands is site index used for?
Even-aged stands
This is related to rotation length
Index age
What are two types of data needed to quantify site index for a stand?
- Height/age data; 2. Published site index curves
What is stand growth and site quality information used for?
Growth projection
These are created to project current stands to a future date
Growth and yield
What are _ things that growth and yield models are used for?
- Finding optimal rotation; 2. Assessing effective management treatments;
This is the theory and practice of controlling forest to meet management goals
What six forest attributes is silviculture used to control?
- Establishment; 2. Growth rate; 3. Species composition; 4. Health/vitality; 5. Product quality; 6. Aesthetics
What are five goals silviculture is used to meet?
- Timber; 2. Wildlife habitat; 3. Water quality; 4. Range production; 5. Scenery
Silviculture is based on understanding of these three aspects
- Tree silvics; 2. Ecological succession; 3. Effect of disturbance
What are _ types of forest stands?
- Even-aged; 2. Uneven-aged
In this type of forest stand, all trees are roughly the same age?
Even-aged stand
Where do even-aged stands occur?
Where disturbance is frequent and large scale
What type of species are found in even-aged stands?
Early successional species
How are even-aged stands classified?
By development stage
These stands are often very dense
Young stands
Young stands will naturally do this with age
What type of canopy do young stands develop?
Do young stands have much vertical stratification?
At what stage does wood production maximize?
These tree crowns emerge above the canopy
These tree crowns comprise the canopy layer
These tree crowns are under the canopy layer
These tree crowns are well under the canopy
This type of forest stand has trees of many different ages
Uneven-aged stands
Where do uneven-aged stands occur?
Where disturbance is infrequent and small-scale
What type of species are in uneven-aged stands?
Late successional species
Do uneven-aged stands develop less uniform crowns?
This type of stratification is good for wildlife
Vertical stratification
In uneven-aged stands, is wood production roughly constant each year?
What are _ types of silvicultural methods?
- Stand improvement methods
These are applied between regeneration and harvest
Stand improvement methods
What is another name for stand improvement methods?
Intermediate treatments
What are four forest aspects that stand improvement methods improve?
Composition, growth, health, quality
This type of intermediate treatment frees desirable trees from competition
Release cut