Chapter 14- Digestive System Flashcards
4 Accessory Organs
1) Salivary Glands
2) Liver
3) Gallbladder
4) Pancreas
Hollow tube
GI Tract
Space within a tube
8 Parts of GI Tract
1) mouth
2) pharynx
3) esophagus
4) stomach
5) small intestine
6) large intestine
7) rectum
8) anus
Four layers of GI tract walls (inner to outer)
1) mucosa
2) submucosa
3) muscularis
4) serosa
Layer of GI Tract, innermost, mucous membrane in contact with the lumen
Layer of GI Tract, connective tissue containing the blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves
Layer of GI Tract, two or three layers of smooth muscles, responsible for movement an motility
Layer of GI Tract, outermost, protects and anchors digestive tract
Thick muscular rings that separate some organs
5 Processes for digestion
1) Mechanical processing and movement
2) Secretion of fluid, enzymes, hormones, bile, ph, mucous
3) Digestion
4) Absorption
5) Elimination
2 Types of motility aid digestion
1) perastalsis
2) segmentation
Type of motility aid digestion, propels food foreward
Type of motility aid digestion, mixes food and chops it up
Where does motility aid digestion occur
Muscularis layer
Composition of saliva (4)
1) mucin
2) salivary amylase
3) bicarbonate
4) lysozyme
Component of saliva, antibacterial
Component of saliva, maintains ph of 6.5-7.5 for optimal amylase activity
Component of saliva, can help prevent formation of biofilms
Component of saliva, begins digestion of starch
salivary amylase
Which parts deliver food to the stomach (2)
1) Pharynx
2) Esophagus
Salivary glands (3)
1) Parotid (cheek jaw)
2) Sublingual (under tongue)
3) Submandibular (lower jaw)
Voluntary phase of swallowing
tongue pushes bolus of food into pharynx (throat)
Involuntary phase of swallowing
swallowing reflex, trachea closes, esophagus opens
Throat, common passageway for air and food
Closes airway temporarily so food will not enter the trachea
Food passes through to stomach by way of
peristaltic contractions thru esophagus, and lower esophageal sphincter
Functions of stomach (3)
1) food storage 2) digestion of proteins 3) regulates delivery of partially digested food into small intestine