Chapter 14 Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Which cranial nerve is used for olfaction - sensory - I
Olfactory Nerve
Which cranial nerve is used for vision and has some signals that decussate - sensory - II
Optic Nerve
Which cranial nerve is used for eye movements and focus - motor - III
Oculomotor Nerve
Which cranial nerve is used for down and out eye movement? All fibers decussate - motor - IV
Trochlear Nerve
Which cranial nerve is used for chewing and face sensitivity - both - V
Trigeminal Nerve
What are the 3 sections of the Trigeminal Nerve and which at motor vs sensory
Ophthalmic- sensory
Maxillary- sensory
Mandibular- mixed
Which cranial nerve is used for lateral eye movement - motor - VI
Which cranial nerve is used for facial expressions and front 2/3 of taste - both - VII
Facial Nerve
Which cranial nerve is used for hearing and balance - sensory - VIII
Vestibulochochlear Nerve
Which cranial nerve is used for back 1/3 of tongue and pharynx - sensory - IX
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Which cranial nerve is used for the sensitivity and movement of the central cavity and larynx - both - X
Vagus Nerve
Which cranial nerve is used for sternoclidomastoid and trapezius muscles in neck - motor - XI
Which cranial nerve is used for tongue movement - motor - XII
Hypoglossal Nerve
Olfactory Nerve
Some decussate