Chapter 14 Flashcards
A theme in this book is the contradiction between formal codes of ethics and…?
Where do most terrorist attacks occur in the world?
Donald Trump’s decision to fire missiles at a Syrian airbase were considered by some to be humanitarian, and, therefore, justified by…?
natural law.
The “just war” arguments are primarily based on what?
natural law.
The deliberate, negligent, or reckless use of force against non-combatants, by state or non-state actors for ideological ends and in the absence of a substantively just legal process is called…?
The concept that allows for an unintended bad consequence if the means and end are good is called the:
principle of double effect.
What is the ethical justification for all the counter-terrorism measures discussed in the text?
What statement about the Patriot Act is FALSE?
The Patriot Act has remained unchanged since it was first passed.
“National security letters” are letters issued by who?
FBI; to access private information without a warrant.
The case that dealt with a U.S. citizen held without due process protections as an enemy combatant was…?
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld.
Renditions are an example of?
Bagram prison is where?
In what case did the U.S. Supreme Court find that detainees in Guantanamo could challenge their detention in U.S. federal courts, a petition known as habeas corpus?
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld.
In Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, the Supreme Court held that…?
U.S. citizens could not be held indefinitely without charges even if they were labeled enemy combatants.
In what case did the U.S. Supreme Court find that the military commissions were outside the President’s power to create and were, therefore, invalid?
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld.
What statement about Abu Ghraib is false?
Soldiers responsible for the abuses successfully used the “superior orders” defense to escape prosecution.
Waterboarding does what?
simulates drowning.
The “doctrine of necessity” argues that…?
there must be secrecy concerning interrogation tactics so they can be more effective.
The concept of a “just war” is most closely associated with the work of…?
Alan Dershowitz.
According to the text, which of the following is NOT true about information obtained through torture?
Torture victims are likely to offer additional information to win favor from their interrogators.