Chapter 13 Flashcards
How long did the Stanford Prison Experiment last?
6 days.
What statement is a conclusion that can be drawn from the Stanford Prison Experiment?
The prison environment causes people to act in ways that they would not otherwise.
What is not a type of misuse of authority discussed by McCarthy and Souryal?
Souryal’s corruption typology includes all the following categories except what?
mismanagement of prison resources.
According to Souryal, what has both a legal definition (the use of oppression or extralegal methods), and an ethical definition (the failure of officers to demonstrate compassion or keep a promise)?
Which of the following fits Souryal’s definition of misfeasance?
Acts of omission.
Souryal defines malfeasance as?
acts that violate authority.
Ignoring a rule violation would meet Souryal’s definition of?
Bomse classifies overcrowding as?
systemic or budgetary abuse.
Use of isolation units, according to Bomse, is..?
systemic or budgetary abuse.
Bomse considers sexual harassment what?
malicious or purposeful abuse.
If an individual officer watched a prison fight without intervening, Bomse would consider it…?
negligent abuse.
What group was formed at Salinas Valley Prison when inmates who had injured officers in a disturbance were then beaten by the officers in turn?
“The Green Wall”.
The person who helped set up the Abu Ghraib prison and had also served as head of the Texas, New Mexico, and Utah prison systems was…?
Lane McCotter.
Medical personnel sometimes adopt what philosophy of corrections and deprive inmates of services because of a belief that they do not deserve treatment?
“penal harm”.