Chapter 11 Flashcards
According to the text, there are five essential elements to the definition of punishment. Which of the following is NOT one of these five elements?
The person who is being punished has been identified and judged by his/her victim.
The two concepts that the text cites as being a response to deviant behavior are…?
retribution and treatment.
The two major justifications for punishment and treatment are…?
retribution and prevention.
Retribution is consistent with what?
social contract theory.
The retributive rationale postulates that…?
punishment is an end in itself.
When did the “just deserts” model regain favor in the United States?
A positive retribution does what?
demands that one who is guilty ought to be punished.
Emile Durkheim believed that criminals provide value to the community by…?
establishing the parameters of acceptable behavior.
Atonement is most closely associated with the concept of what?
What are the two types of deterrence?
General and specific.
Von Hirsch’s conceptualization that the punishment of the individual should be purely retributive and balanced to the seriousness of the crime is embodied in the what?
incapacitation model.
“Penal harm” refers to the idea that the system does what?
should intentionally inflict pain on offenders during their imprisonment.
Which of the following is NOT a method of prevention?
Just deserts.
Which form of prevention is aimed at the offender and not the overall community?
General deterrence.
Detaining only those who are at the highest risk of re-offending would be a form of what?
selective incapacitation.