chapter 14 Flashcards
pronated grip
palms down and knuckles up also called overhand
supinated grip
palms up and knuckles down also known as the underhand grip
neutral grip
a variation of either grip which the knuckles point laterally
alternated grip
one hand is pronated and one is supinated
hook grip
similare to the pronated grip except that the thumb is positioned under the index and middle fingers, used for performing exercises that require a stronger grip (power exercises)
closed grip
the thumb is wrapped around the bar (hood, alternated, neutral, pronated, and supinated)
open or false grip
when the thumb does not wrap around the bar
supine means laying?
face up
5 point body contact position
- head i
- shoulders and upper back
- butt
- right foot
- left foot
5 point body contact position promotes
maximal stability and spinal support
sticking point
the most strenuous movement of a repetition soon after the transition from the eccentric phase to the concentric phase. where you should exhale
valsalva maneuver
attemping to blow air out while consiously not letting yourself
advatage of valsalva maneuver
it increases the rigidity of the entire torso to aid in supporting the vertebral column which reduces the associated compressive forces on the disks during lifting.
should you spot power exercises
moving the bar from the upright supports to a postiion in which the athlete can begin the exercise
first phase in a bent knee sit up and abdominal crunch
flex the neck to move the chin toward the chest
starting position of the abdominal crunch
supine position on floor, calves and ankles on a bench with a 90 degree angle, arms folded across chest
grip for bent-over row
closed, pronated grip, wider than shoulder-width
where should eyes be focused in a bent over row
a short distance ahead of the feet
major muscles worked in a bent over row
lats, teres major, middle trap, rhomboids, delts
grip on bench press
closed, pronated grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
spotter grip for bench press
closed alternated grip inside the athletes hands
major muscles used in bench press
pec, delt, triceps
spotter hand position for incline bench press
athletes forearms near the wrists follow with motion not touching athlete
dumbell fly grip
closed neutram
spotter dumbell fly
one knee on the floor with and other foot on ground (proposal) athletes forearms
how many spotters for back spot?
grip for front squat
closed pronated slightly wider than shoulder width on anterior deltoids and clavicles or crossed arm position (just on anterior delts)
spotter position for lunge
behind athlete
seated barbell shoulder press spotter grip, lying tricep extension
closed alternated grip inside the athletes hands
the push jerk is more ? than the push press
forceful, powerful
starting position for push jerk and press
closed, pronated grip
grip slightly wider than shoulder width
feet hip width apart and parrallel
bar is placed on delts and clavicles
preparation phase of push jerk or press
flex hips and knees at a slow speed to move the bar in a straight path downward 10% of athletes height
upward movement phase of push jerk or pree
after reaching lowest position of the dip reverse and forcefully extend the hips and the elbows to move the bar overhead
Catch phase for push press
after hips and knee are fully extended and the bar is overhead press it up the rest of the way until the elbows are fully extended
Catch phase for push jerk
after hip and knees are fully extended and the bar is overhead quickly re-flex the hips and knees to a quarter-squat position and simultaneously extend the elbows fully to catch the bar overhead
difference between power and hang clean
hang clean bar starts at thighs
power clean bar starts on floor
starting position power and hang clean
closed pronated grip
hand slightly wider than shoulder width outside of knees
body position for starting power and hang clean
back flat or slightly arched trap relaxed and slightly stretched chest held up and out head in line with vertibral column eyes focused straight ahead or upward
upward movement phase of hang and power clean
first pull
lift bar off the floor by extending the hips and knees
keep as close to shins as possible
flat back
keep the torso-to-floor angle constant, do not let the hip rise before the shoulders
upward movement phase hang and power clean
as the bar rises just above the knees thrust the hips forward and slightly re-flew the knees to move the thighs against and the knees under the bar
keep the back flat or slightly arched and the elbows fully extended and pointing out to the sides
upward movement phase of hang and power clean
second pull
forcefully jump upward by quickly extending the hips and knees and plantar-flexing the ankles
elbows pointing to the sides
when the lower body joints reach full extension, rapidly shrug the shoulders upward with the elbows still fully extended
as the shoulders reach their highest elevation flex the elbows to begin pulling the body under the bar
feet may loose contact with floor
upward movement phase of power and hang clean Catch
pull the body under the bar and rotate the arms around and under the bar
simultaneouslt flex the hips and knees to a quater-squat position
catch phase upward movement phase of power and hang clean catch criteria
nearly erect torso
shoulders slightly ahead of the butt
a neutral head position
flat feet
downward movement phase hang and power clean
lower elbows to unrack the bar from the delts and clav then down to thights
squat down with the elbows fully extended until bar reaches floor
quickly and forcefully pulling the bar from the floor to over the head with the elbows fully extended in one contnuous motion
starting position snatch
closed pronated grip
squat down with hips lower than the shoulders
hand grip width for snatch starting position
wider than for other exercises
How to measure: distance from edge of the clenched fist to the opposite shoulder with arm is straight out at the side
elbow-to-elbow distance when arms are straight out at sides
body position for starting phase of the snatch
back flat or slightly arched trap relaxed and slightly stretched head in line with the vertebral column heels in contact with the floor eyes focused straight ahead
upward movement phase of snatch: first pull
flat back, do not let the hips rise before the shoulders
upward movement phase snatch transition scoop
as the bar rises just above the knees, thrust the hips forward and slightly re-flew the knees and keep knees under the bar
back flat
upward movement phase snatch second pull
forcefull jump upward by quickly extending the hips and knees and plantar-flexing the ankles
maximum muscular strength test
low speed strength
1 RM bench press
1 RM back squat
maximum muscular power test
high speed strength 1 RM power clean standing long jump vertical jump margaria kalamen test
anaerobic capacity test
300 yard shuttle
local muscular endurance test
partial curl-up