Chapter 11 Flashcards
what is the main reason for testing?
to assess athletic talent, identify physical abilities and areas in need of improvement, set goals and evaluate progress
Formative evaluation
reevaluationss based on midtests, It allows the cscs to adjust the training program
the degree to which a test or test item measures what it is supposed to measure
What is the most important characteristic of testing?
construct validity
the ability of a test to represent the underlying construct, the overall validity most important type of validity
face validity
appearance to non experts, the appearance to the athlete and other casual observers that the test measures what it is purposed to measure.
content validity
All of the components, the assessment by expects that the testing covers all relevant subtopics or component abilities in apporoptiate proportions. examples: jumping ability, sprinting ability and muscular strength of arms.
criterion referenced validity
the extent to which test scores are associated with some other measure of the same ability. 3 types are concurrent, predictive, and discriminant
concurrent validity
the extent to which test scores are associated with those of other accepted tests that measure the same ability. example: comparing a new body fat test with a water body fat test
convergent validity
comparing a test to the “gold standard” of test
predictive validity
the extent to which the test score corresponds with future behavior or performance. measuring basket goals at practice and during the game
discriminant validity
the ability of a test to distinguish between two different constructs (speed and flexibilty)
a measure of the degree of consistency or repeatability of a test. same results over and over
test-retest reliability
used to get reliability. testing the same thing twice to see if the scores are the same
reasons for low reliabilityy
intrasubject variability
lack of interrater reliability
intrarater variability
failure of the test itself to provide consistent results
intrasubject variability
lack of consistent performance by the person tested
interrater agreement
the degree to which different raters agree
intrarater variability
the lack of consistnet scores by a given tester.
guildlines for testing in the heat
- athletes should establish baseline
- using heat chart, temperature should be at least 3 degrees under guildline or use indoor facility
- well-hydrated prior 24 hours
- drink during excercise
- clothing: mesh light
- hear rate monitor
- be attentive as possible
- be aware of symptoms of hyponatremia or water intoxication
- eat foods high in magnesium and potassium
- medical coverage should be available.
signs of heat stroke or exhaustion
cramps, nausea, dizziness, difficulty in walking or standing, faintness, garbled speech, lack of swear, red or ashen skin, and goose bumps.