Chapter 13.3 Flashcards
What are the four approaches for changing peoples behaviour?
- technological- right tech has to be put n place for them to change
- legal- focus on policy change
- economic- focus on taxes and pricing
- raising awareness- focusses on information by education
central route to persuasion
occurs when people pay close attention to the content of a message, evaluate the evidence presented, and examine the logic of the arguments.
- strong and long lasting
elaboration likelihood model
predicts that when audiences are sufficiently motivated to pay attention to a message and have the opportunity for careful processing, they are more likely to be persuaded.
peripheral route to persuasion
persuasion depends on other features that are not directly related to the message its self, such as attractiveness of presenter or amount of info.
- not as powerful but easier
door in the face technique
which involves asking for something relatively big, then following with a request for something small
foot in the door technique
which involved making a simple request followed by a more substantial request.
cognitive dissonance theory
when we hold inconsistent beliefs, it creates an inversive inner tension, we are then determined to reduce the tension in whatever way we can. usually by changing the belief that caused the tension.