Chapter 13: Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation of Selected Tests Flashcards
Athletic Performance Measurement Categories
- Max Muscular Strength (Low-Speed Strength)
- Anaerobic or Max Muscular Power (High-Speed Strength)
- Anaerobic Capacity
- Local Muscular Endurance
- Aerobic Capacity
- Agility
- Speed
- Flexibility
- Balance and Stability
- Body Composition
- Anthropometry
Max Muscular Strength (Low-Speed Strength)
The force a muscle or muscle group can exert in one maximal effort while maintaining proper form
Anaerobic or Max Muscular Power (High-Speed Strength)
The ability of muscle tissue to exert high force while contracting at a high speed
Anaerobic Capacity
Max rate of energy production by the combined ATP-PC and anaerobic glycolytic energy systems for moderate-duration activities
Local Muscular Endurance
The ability of certain muscle or muscle groups to perform repeated contractions against a submaximal resistance
Aerobic Capacity
- AKA aerobic power
- The max rate at which an athlete can produce energy through oxidation of energy sources
A rapid, whole-body, change of direction or speed in response to a sports-specific stimulus
Movement distance per unit time
The range of motion about a body joint
Balance and Stability
- Balance: the ability to maintain static and dynamic equilibrium; ability to maintain the body’s COG over the BOS
- Stability: measures the ability to return to a desired position following a disturbance to the system
Body Composition
Relative proportions by weight of fat and lean tissue
Measurements applied to the human body (height, weight, and selected body girths)
Testing Conditions
Testing conditions should be as similar as possible for all the athletes and from test to retest
Max Muscular Strength (Low-Speed Strength) Tests
- 1RM Bench Press
- 1RM Bench Pull
- 1RM Back Squat
Anaerobic or Max Muscular Power (High-Speed Strength) Tests
- 1RM Power Clean
- Standing Long Jump
- Vertical Jump
- Static Vertical Jump
- Reactive Strength Index
- Margaria-Kalamen Test
Anaerobic Capacity Tests
300-Yard (274 m) Shuttle
Local Muscular Endurance Tests
- Partial Curl-Up
- Push-Up
- TMCA Bench Press Test
Aerobic Capacity Tests
- 1.5-Mile (2.4 km) Run
- 12-Minute Run
- Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test
- Maximal Aerobic Speed Test
Agility Tests
- T-Test
- Hexagon Test
- Pro Agility Test
- 505 Agility Test
Speed Tests
Straight-line Sprint Tests
Flexibility Tests
- Balance Error Scoring System (BESS)
- Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT)
Balance and Stability Tests
- Sit-and-Reach Test
- Overhead Squat
Body Composition Tests
Skinfold Measurements
Anthropometry Tests
Girth Measurements
Difference Score
The difference between an athlete’s score at the beginning and end of a training period or between any two separate testing times
Percent Change
The difference between the values being compared divided by the original value, which is then multiplied by 100
Limitations to evaluating a training programs effectiveness by degree of improvement
- Athletes with a higher training status will have smaller degrees of improvement, but the program may be just as successful
- Athletes may deliberately fail to give a max effort on pretraining tests to inflate their posttraining scores
The science of collecting, classifying, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data
Types of statistics
- Descriptive
- Inferencial
Descriptive Statistics
Summarizes or describes a large group of data
Categories of numerical measurement in descriptive statistics
- Central tendency
- Variability
- Percentile rank
Central Tendency
Values about which the data tend to cluster
Measures of central tendency
- Mean
- Median
- Mode
The average of the scores
- The middlemost score when a set of scores is arranged in order of magnitude
- Best used when there is an outlier
The score that occurs with the greatest frequency
The degree of dispersion of scores within a group
Common measures of variability
- Range
- Standard deviation
The interval from the lowest to the highest score
Standard Deviation
- A measure of the variability of a set of scores about the mean
- A small SD means the scores are closely clustered about the mean
- A large SD means the scores are widely dispersed about the mean
Percentile Rank
The percentage of test takers scoring below that individual
Inferential Statistics
- Allows one to draw general conclusions about a population from information collected in a population sample
- Assumes the sample is truly representative of the population
Magnitude Statstics
- Allows for interpretation of the clinical significance of fitness testing
- Smallest worthwhile change and effect size are important measures
Smallest Worthwhile Change
- Refers to the ability of a test to detect the smallest practically important change in performance
- Typically is 0.2 of the between-subjects SD
Effect Size
- A statistic that can be useful for calculating group performance following a training program or comparing between groups of athletes
- ES = (x posttest - x pretest) / SD pretest
Reference Values for Effect Size
- Small (0.2)
- Moderate (0.6)
- Large (1.2)
- Very large (2.0)
Athletic Profile
A group of test results related to sport-specific abilities that are important for quality performance in a sport or sport position
Steps for evaluating athletes
- Select tests that will measure the specific parameters related to the sport
- Choose valid and reliable tests and arrange the testing battery in an appropriate order
- Administer the test battery with as many athletes as possible
- Determine the smallest worthwhile change
- Conduct repeat testing and present a visual profile with figures
- Use the results in a meaningful way