Chapter 12 - The Pancreas Flashcards
cells that perform exocrine function
acini cells
enzyme secreted by the pancreas to aid in the digestion of carbohydrates
lies in the midepigastrium anterior to the superior mesenteric artery and vein, aorta, and inferior vena cava
body of the pancreas
branch of the splenic artery that supplies the tail of the pancreas
caudal pancreatic artery
forms the lateral border of the head of the pancreas
C-loop of the duodenum
artery arising from the celiac trunk to supply the liver; forms the right superior border of the body and head of the pancreas and gives rise to the gastroduodenal artery
common hepatic artery
enlargement of the gallbladder caused by a slow, progressive obstruction of the distal common bile duct from an external mass such as adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic head
Courvoisier’s sign (Courvoisier’s gallbladder)
inherited disorder of the exocrine glands; symptoms include mucous buildup within the lungs and other areas of the body; identified as fatty replacement of the glands
cystic fibrosis
branch of the splenic artery that supplies the body of the pancreas
dorsal pancreatic artery
small accessory duct of the pancreas found in the head of the pancreas
duct of Santorini
largest duct of the pancreas that drains the tail, body, and head of the gland; it joins the common bile duct to enter the duodenum through the ampulla of Vater
duct of Wirsung
function of the pancreas is production of the hormone insulin
function of the pancreas is production and digestion of pancreatic juice; primary function of the pancreas
hormone that stimulates the liver to convert glycogen to glucose; produced by alpha cells
lies in the C-loop of the duodenum; the gastroduodenal artery is the anterolateral border and the common bile duct is the posterolateral border
head of the pancreas
elevated levels of calcium in the blood
congenital condition in which elevated fat levels cause pancreatitis
dilated loops of bowel without peristalsis; associated with various abdominal problems, including pancreatitis, sickle cell crisis, and bowel obstruction
hormone that causes glycogen formation from glucose in the liver and that allows circulating glucose to enter tissue cells
portion of the pancreas that has an endocrine function and produces insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin
islets of Langerhans
pancreatic enzyme that breaks down fats; enzyme is elevated in pancreatitis and remains increased longer than amylase
a malignant neoplasm that rises from the lymphoid tissues
small area of the pancreas between the head and the body; anterior to the superior mesenteric vein
neck of the pancreas
excessive bilirubin in the bloodstream caused by an obstruction of bile from the liver; characterized by a yellow discoloration of the sclera of the eye, skin, and mucous membranes
obstructive jaundice
fluid accumulation caused by a rupture of a pancreatic pseudocyst into the abdomen; free-floating pancreatic enzymes are very dangerous to surrounding structures
pancreatic ascites
“sterile abscess” collection of pancreatic enzymes that accumulate in the available space in the abdomen (usually in or near the pancreas)
pancreatic pseudocyst
help supply blood to the pancreas along with the splenic artery
pancreaticoduodenal arteries
inflammation of the pancreas; may be acute or chronic
junction of the splenic and main portal vein; posterior border of the body of the pancreas
portal-splenic confluence
a space or cavity that contains fluid but has no true endothelial lining membrane
pancreatic enzyme that is elevated during pancreatitis
serum amylase
serves as the posterior border to the body of the pancreas
superior mesenteric artery
lies posterior to the neck/body of the pancreas and anterior to the uncinate process of the gland
superior mesenteric vein
tapered end of the pancreas that lies in the left hypochondrium near the hilus of the spleen and upper pole of the left kidney
tail of the pancreas
small, curved tip of the pancreatic head that lies posterior to the superior mesenteric vein
uncinate process
abnormal increase in white blood cells caused by infections