Chapter 12 Flashcards
Morning star of the reformation- spoke against Roman Catholic Church - translated bible from Latin to English
John Wycliffe
John Wycliffe’s followers
Prague- tricked into coming to Council of Constance- burned at stake- later dig up and burned
John Huss
Vow to become monk after near death- justification by faith
Martin Luther
Had a plan to complete St Peters Basilica
Leo X’s plan to complete St. Peter’s Basilica
Sent Tetzel to sell indulgences
Spiritual bank of extra good deeds
Treasury of saints
Luther’s widely circulated ________ made indulgence sale fall
95 thesis
Johann Eck argued against Luther - widened breach between Luther and Rome
Leipzig debate
Protected by Frederick the wise - pope issued against Luther and he burned it
Road to Worms
Summoned by Charles V and declared Luther an outlaw and he faced death - in the end, Luther lived natural life
Diet of Worms
Translated Bible to German
Key doctrines
Scripture alone- faith alone- grace alone
Became priest in Zurich- 67 conclusions- disagreed with Luther over Lord’s supper
“Swiss Brethren” only true believers should be members of the church- separation of church and state
Menno Simmons
Institutes of Christian religion
Well educated- strong belief in God’s sovereignty- ordered to leave Geneva and returned a few years later
This family had English throne in Reformation
Tudor family
King at 9 and died at 16- book of common prayer and 42 articles
Edward VI
Pro-Catholic but only strengthened Protestants stance- executed Cranmer and other Protestants
Mary I
Never marries- “Good Queen Bess” Church of England- made Anglican Church the Church of England
Defeated Spanish Armada
Sir Francis Drake
Influenced by Calvin - Presbyterian Church in Scotland
John Knox
Ruled by Philip II- severe persecution of Protestants
20,000 Huguenots killed
St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Became Roman Catholic to please people- edict Of Nantes
Society of Jesus