Chapter 12 Flashcards
What does Lyubomirsky say is so important about supportive relationships?
- “The need to belong”
- Social support (tangible, informational, emotional)
- Love
- Less hedonic adaptation (the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes)
What is A^2CT-CC?
What is shown to be most important in relationships
Time Together
Constructive Problem Solving
What does John Gottman define masters and disasters as?
Masters: Scan the social environment and the partner for things they can appreciate and say thank you for. They are building this culture of respect and appreciation very purposefully
Disasters: Scan the social environment for partner’s mistakes
Who was the founder of love languages and love currency? What were his love languages?
Dr. Randy Chapman
Words of affirmation
Quality time
What is self-dislosure?
As someone talks about their personal lives, especially the private stuff, you share back. This builds relationships
What are the four horsemen of critical problem solving? What are their antidotes?
Criticism (Gentle start up)
Contempt (Build culture of appreciation)
Defensiveness (Take responsibility)
Stonewalling (Physiological self-soothing)
What ratio does Gottman’s research say is for good communication in a couple?
5 positive comments to 1 negative comment
What is PRCA?
Perceived responses to capitalization attempts. AKA how we react to other’s achievements
Passive destructive (Well I…)
Active Destruction (But what about…)
Passive constructive (Nice. Hey, McRib’s back…)
Active constructive (Congrats! How, when, what…)
What is RASA?
Listening Principles
What is the bystander/Genovese effect? What are the percentages?
People are less likely to provide help when they are in group than when they are alone
75% help when alone
53% help when in group
This is the diffusion of responsibility
What are three reasons we conform?
- Group size and group unanimity
- Normative influence (don’t want to be the weird one)
- Informational influence (how to behave in ambiguous situations)
What did Asch’s line experiment teach?
People were dissuaded from saying the truth (which line was the longest) when the group was saying another answer (the shorter line was longer)
What did The Milgram Experiment teach?
People will listen to those in authority. This is the experient when the teachers administered lethal shocks to the “learners”
What does the Stanford Prison Experiment teach?
It taught deindividuation (you become so immersed in the norms of the group that you lose your sense of identity and personal responsibility).
It taught learned helplessness (whatever you do has little effect on what happens to you. You give up)