Chapter 12 Flashcards
Exist in organizations when there is a variety of demographic,cultural,and personal differences among the people who work there and customers who do business there.
Affirmative action
Refers to purposeful steps taken by an organization to create employment opportunities for minorities and women
Purpose of affirmative action programs
Compensate for past discrimination which was widespread when legislation
Diversity helps with
Cost savings by reducing turnover,decreasing absenteeism and avoiding expensive lawsuits
Attracting and retaining talented workers
Driving business growth
Helping companies grow through higher quality problem solving
Surface-Level diversity
Consist of differences that are immediately observable,typically unchangeable,and easy to measure
-most start by using surface level diversity to categorize or stereotype other people
Deep-Level diversity
Consist of differences that are communicated through verbal and nonverbal behaviors and are learned only through extended interaction with others
Social integration
The degree to which group members are psychological attracted to working together to get the job done
Age discrimination
Is treating people differently in hiring firing promotion and compensation decisions because of their age
Higher cost: older people are and the longer they stay with a company the more the company pays for salaries, pension plans, and vacation time
Lower costs: older workers show better judgement,care more about the quality of their work,and are less likely to work, and are less likely to to quit, show up late, or be absent, the cost of which can be substantially
To combat age discrimination companies need to recognize its pervasiveness
Dispel faulty perceptions
Provide training
Sex discrimination
Occurs when people are treated differently because of their sex
Glass ceiling
Associated with sex discrimination, the invisible Barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to the top jobs in organizations
Studies showed when men and women performed jobs equally well, men received 14 times the rewards in terms of salary, bonuses, and promotions compared to women
Strategies to make sure that women have same opportunities for development and advancement
Making sure male dominated role actives don’t exclude women
Sexual orientation
Indicates an individuals attraction to people of the same and or different sex
Sexual orientation discrimination
Occurs when people are treated differently because of their sexual orientation such as lesbian,gay, bi, possibly heterosexual or straight
Transgender person
Someone whose personal and gender identity differ from the persons birth sex
Gender identity discrimination
Occurs when people are treated differently because of their gender identity
Racial and ethnic discrimination
Occurs when people are treated differently because of their race or ethnicity
While progress has been made in terms of racial and ethic workplace discrimination study shows strong direct evidence of continuing racial or ethnic discrimination in the workplace
Strategies to make sure that people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds have the same opportunities for development and advancement
Comparing hiring rates of whites with hiring rates for racial and ethnic applicants
Survey employee satisfaction with job related or cultural related and test hiring system and clear criteria for promotion
Mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
Disability discrimination
Occurs when people are treated differently because of their disabilities
Studies show that as long companies make accommodations for disability to to just as much without disability
Strategies to make sure that people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds have same opportunities
Deep Level Diversity
Represents differences that can be learned only through extended interaction with others
The tendency to respond to situations and events in a predetermined manner
The relatively stable set of behaviors, attitudes, and emotions displayed over time that makes people different from each other
Five basic dimensions of personality
Account for most of the differences in people’s behaviors: attitudes, and emotions: extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientious, and openness to experience
The degree to which someone is active,assertive, gregarious, sociable, talkative, and energized by others
- Extraversion is related to performance in jobs, such as sales and management, that involve significant interaction with others
Emotional stability
The degree to which someone is not angry, depressed, anxious, emotional, insecure, and excitable
The degree to which someone is cooperative, profile, flexible, forgiving, good-natured, tolerant, and trusting
The degree to which someone is organized, hardworking, responsible, persevering, thorough, and achievement oriented
-conscientiousness is related to job performance across five different occupational groups (professionals, police,managers, salespeople, and skilled or semiskilled workers
Openness to experience
Degree to which someone is curious, broad-minded,and open to new ideas, things, and experiences, is spontaneous; and has a high tolerance for ambiguity
Discrimination and fairness paradigm
- Most common method of approaching diversity
- Focuses on equal opportunity, fair treatment, recruitment of minorities, and strict compliance with the equal employment opportunity laws
- Benefits generally brings about fairer treatment of employees and increases demographic diversity
- Limitation the focus of diversity remains on the surface -level diversity dimensions of sex, race, and ethnicity
Access and legitimacy paradigm
- Focuses on the acceptance and celebration of differences to ensure that the diversity within the company matches the diversity found among primary stakeholders
- Benefit : Establishes a clear business reason for diversity
- Limitation the focus is only on the surface level diversity dimensions of sex , race, and ethnicity
Learning and effectiveness paradigm
-Focuses on integration of deep-level diversity differences, such as personality, attitudes, beliefs, and values, into the actual work of the organization
Common ground is valued
Distinction is made between individual and group differences
Conflict, backlash, and divisiveness associated with diversity programs are less likely to be encountered
-Different talents are perspectives are brought together
Organizational plurality
Work environment where
(1) all members are empowered to contribute in a way that maximizes the benefits to the organization, customers, and themselves
2 respect each member by not segmenting or polarizing people based on membership in particular group
Consistent with learning and effectiveness paradigm
-follow laws with equal opportunity
Treat group differences as important but not special
Find common ground
Tailor opportunities to individuals not groups
Maintain high standards
Solicit neg and pos feedback
Set high but realistic goals
Skills-based diversity training
Training that teaches employees the practical skills they need for managing a diverse workforce, such as flexibility and adaptability, negotiation, problem solving, and conflict resolution
- Flexibility and adaptability
- Negotiation
- Problem solving
- conflict resolution
Awareness training
That is designed to raise employees awareness of diversity issues and to challenge the underlying assumptions or stereotypes they may have about others
-To better manage diversity, companies also use
Diversity audits -diversity pairing
-minority experiences for top executives
Diversity audits
Formal assessments that
- measure employee and management attitudes
- investigate the extent people are advantages or disadvantage with respect to hiring n promotions
- review companies diversity-related policies and procedures