Chapter 11 Chaining Flashcards
backward chaining
A type of chaining procedure in which the last component of the chain is taught first. Once the last response in the chain occurs consistently when the last discriminative stimulus is presented, the next to last component is taught, and the last two components of the chain occur together. This training sequence proceeds until the client has learned all the components in the chain.
behavioural chain
A complex behaviour consisting of two or more component behaviours that occur together in a sequence. For each component behaviour, there is a discriminative stimulus and response. A behavioural chain in sometimes called a stimulus-response chain.
chaining procedures
Procedures used to teach a person to engage in a chain of behaviours. Includes backward chaining, forward chaining, total task presentation, written task analysis, picture prompts, and self-instructions.
forward chaining
A procedure for teaching a chain of behaviours. The first component of the chain is taught through prompting and fading, and once the first component has been learned, the second component is added. Once the first two components has been learned, the third component is added. This training sequence continues until all components of the chain are learned.
graduated guidance
A prompting strategy used with the total task presentation procedure in which you provide full hand-over-hand assistance as a prompt for the learner to complete the behaviour. As the learner begins to engage in the behaviour independently, you gradually fade your assistance but continue to shadow the learner’s movements so that you can provide assistance whenever it becomes necessary. Eventually, the shadowing is eliminated, and the person engages in the behaviour independently.
multiple-opportunity method
You assess the learner’s ability to complete each individual component in the chain. p219
picture prompts
A type of prompt in which the client is presented with a picture of a person engaging in the target behaviour. The picture acts a prompt for the client to engage in the correct behaviour at the correct time. Often, a sequence of pictures is presented to prompt a client to engage in a chain of behaviours.
Self-statement that makes it more likely that a target behaviour will occur in a specific situation.
single opportunity method
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stimulus-response chain
A complex behaviour consisting of two or more component behaviours that occur together in a sequence. For each component behaviour, there is a discriminative stimulus and response. Also referred to as a behavioural chain.
task analysis
Identification of the discriminative stimulus and response for each component of a behaviour chain.
total task presentation
A procedure for teaching a chain of behaviour in which the trainer physically prompts the learner through all steps in the chain. Eventually, the trainer fades the physical prompts and shadows the learner’s movements as he or she completes the chain of behaviours. Eventually, the learner completes the chain without any assistance from the trainer.
video modeling
A type of chaining procedure in which the learner watches a video of part or all of the chain of behaviours as a prompt to engage in the chain of behaviours.
written task analysis
A written list of each discriminative stimulus and response in a chain of behaviours. Sometimes a written task analysis (also known as textual prompts) is given to the learner to guide the learner’s behaviour through the chain of behaviours.
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