Chapter 11 Flashcards
what are the three main bones that help maintain balance?
1) two hip bones (ossa coxae)
2) sacrum (where the two hip bones join)
how are quadrupeds ossa coxae different?
they are elongated, (hominins are shorter)
where is the gluteus maximus located on quadrupeds?
to the side of the hips (functions to pull away from the side of the thigh and away from the body)
differences between hominins and quadrupeds?
positioning of foramen magnum, s spinal shape, shortening and broadening of pelvis, angling of femur inward towards knee, structural changes in foot-longitudinal arch
all major structural changes for bipedalism were seen in ancient fossils at what date?
WHat is important about STerkfotein in South Africa?
site contained a big toe indicating a longitudinal arch, (Clark and TObias)
dating is much more difficult in fossils found in this area because of incased rock fissures
South Africa
How many hominin species were there?
at least 6 genera and 13 species
What are the three major groups of hominins?
pre-australopiths, australopiths, and early homo
Early homins had what type of range of living?
very restricted, partly tied to arboreal habitats, but mainly exploiting a variety of resources
Homo Erectus was found where?
Java, China, and Africa
What is special about H.Erectus?
increase body size, brain size, robustness, and limb proportions
How big was homo erectus, what was its brain size?
over 100 lbs, 5’6” 1250cm brain size
Distinctive feature of H.Erectus?
thick cranial bones, large brow ridges, nuchal torus, long and low braincase, sagittal keel present
H. Erectus in Turkana
complete skull 1.7mya 848cm brain
H. Erectus Nariokotome find
(found by Kamoya Kimeu) complete skeleton (WT15000), 1.6mya
E. Erectus at Olduvai
1.4ya 1067cc cranial capacity, thin braincase walls
E. Erectus in Awash Basin
complete female pelvis, 1.3 mya, wide birth canal
What was the Dimansi find?
1,81mya- similar cranium to H.Erectus, but characteristics are different- less robust, thinner browridge, projecting lower face, small brain (600cc), stone tool usage
pertaining to a stone tool industry from the Early and Middle Pleistocene, large proportion of bifacial tools, common in Southwest Asia, Africa, and western Europe.
The Dimansi find significance
suggestive of two migrations of hominins
H. Erectus in Jave discoverer
Ugene Dubois in 1891
What was found at the Sangiran Dome
a cranium (813-1059cc) -thick cranial vaults, sagital keels, browridges etc
What was found at Ngandong
11 skuls, 25,00-50,000 years old (a late survivor)?
Zhoukoudian H.Erectus what was found?
14 skullcaps, 40 adults and children
What is important about Zhoukoudian find?
cultural remains including 100,000 artifacts- choppers, flakes, etc. charred ostrich eggshells found, use of FIRE
Binford and stone’s challenge to Zhoudoukian
feel that they were scavengers and not hunter gatherers as proposed by their discoverers
Noal boaz challenge to Zhoukoudian
questions whether they lived at the cave or not, thinks it is a carnivore den
Chemical analysis revealed what about the site?
the ash was really organic deposts, no sign of wood being burnt inside the cave
Importance of Lantian remains
cranial remains of two adults, fire treated dpebbles and flakes, ash present
Yunxian finds
distorted cranian 800,000-580,000 ya
Hexian finds
1980-1981- close relationship postulated between Hexian specimens and Zhoukoudian
African and Asian species
wide variation but part of the same species
what are the three main bones that help maintain balance?
1) two hip bones (ossa coxae)
2) sacrum (where the two hip bones join)
how are quadrupeds ossa coxae different?
they are elongated, (hominins are shorter)
where is the gluteus maximus located on quadrupeds?
to the side of the hips (functions to pull away from the side of the thigh and away from the body)
differences between hominins and quadrupeds?
positioning of foramen magnum, s spinal shape, shortening and broadening of pelvis, angling of femur inward towards knee, structural changes in foot-longitudinal arch
all major structural changes for bipedalism were seen in ancient fossils at what date?
WHat is important about STerkfotein in South Africa?
site contained a big toe indicating a longitudinal arch, (Clark and TObias)
dating is much more difficult in fossils found in this area because of incased rock fissures
South Africa
How many hominin species were there?
at least 6 genera and 13 species
What are the three major groups of hominins?
pre-australopiths, australopiths, and early homo
Early homins had what type of range of living?
very restricted, partly tied to arboreal habitats, but mainly exploiting a variety of resources
Homo Erectus was found where?
Java, China, and Africa
What is special about H.Erectus?
increase body size, brain size, robustness, and limb proportions
How big was homo erectus, what was its brain size?
over 100 lbs, 5’6” 1250cm brain size
Distinctive feature of H.Erectus?
thick cranial bones, large brow ridges, nuchal torus, long and low braincase, sagittal keel present
H. Erectus in Turkana
complete skull 1.7mya 848cm brain
H. Erectus Nariokotome find
(found by Kamoya Kimeu) complete skeleton (WT15000), 1.6mya
E. Erectus at Olduvai
1.4ya 1067cc cranial capacity, thin braincase walls
E. Erectus in Awash Basin
complete female pelvis, 1.3 mya, wide birth canal
What was the Dimansi find?
1,81mya- similar cranium to H.Erectus, but characteristics are different- less robust, thinner browridge, projecting lower face, small brain (600cc), stone tool usage
pertaining to a stone tool industry from the Early and Middle Pleistocene, large proportion of bifacial tools, common in Southwest Asia, Africa, and western Europe.
The Dimansi find significance
suggestive of two migrations of hominins
H. Erectus in Jave discoverer
Ugene Dubois in 1891
What was found at the Sangiran Dome
a cranium (813-1059cc) -thick cranial vaults, sagital keels, browridges etc
What was found at Ngandong
11 skuls, 25,00-50,000 years old (a late survivor)?
Zhoukoudian H.Erectus what was found?
14 skullcaps, 40 adults and children
What is important about Zhoukoudian find?
cultural remains including 100,000 artifacts- choppers, flakes, etc. charred ostrich eggshells found, use of FIRE
Binford and stone’s challenge to Zhoudoukian
feel that they were scavengers and not hunter gatherers as proposed by their discoverers
Noal boaz challenge to Zhoukoudian
questions whether they lived at the cave or not, thinks it is a carnivore den
Chemical analysis revealed what about the site?
the ash was really organic deposts, no sign of wood being burnt inside the cave
Importance of Lantian remains
cranial remains of two adults, fire treated dpebbles and flakes, ash present
Yunxian finds
distorted cranian 800,000-580,000 ya
Hexian finds
1980-1981- close relationship postulated between Hexian specimens and Zhoukoudian
African and Asian species
wide variation but part of the same species