Chapter 11 Flashcards
concrete operational thought
Stages of cognitive development in which children are able to think about two or more dimensions of a problem(decentered thought), dynamic transformations, and reversible operations.
stores model (of memory)
A model of human memory that views information as moving through a series of storage locations, from the sensory stores to short-term store to long-term store.
The process of recording individual elements in memory into larger groups of information.
network models (of memory)
Models of human memory that views memory as an interconnected network of concept nodes connected by links of varying strength.
working memory
The information currently active in your memory system and currently available for use in a menial task.
long term memory
Memory of knowledge or events that is permanent.
The process of forming a mental representation of information.
The process of finding information in memory at the desired time.
In the stores model, retrieval is the process of bringing information from the ling-term store to the short-term store. In network models, retrieval is the process of activating information so that it becomes a part of the working memory and thus available for use.
Mental representations of the way things typically occur in certain settings or for certain events.
reconstructive memory
A characteristic of human memory. We store parts of events and knowledge; during recall we retrieve the stored pieces and draw inferences about the rest.
autobiographical memories
Memories of events of great personal importance. They are episodic memories and are often vivid and detailed.
knowledge base
The amount of information a person knows about a particular topic.
Conscious, intentional, and controllable plans used to improve performance.
computational models
Models of cognition that are programmed on computers: output of the programs is compared to human performance.
production systems
Sets of computerized if-then statements that state the specific actions that will be taken under certain conditions.
connectionist models
“Neutrally inspired” or neutral network models of cognition that view knowledge as based on patterns of activation among interconnected sets of individual units rather than stored as entire concepts.
fuzzy trance theory
The view that memory representations vary on a continuum from exact and literal to imprecise and general memory traces based on the gist of the information or event.
metalinguistic awareness
A person’s explicit knowledge about language itself and about his or her own use of it.
personal narratives
Stories about personal experiences that used language to inform others about the self and that provide increased self-understanding.
A perceptual process in which people quickly and easily determine how many objects are in a small set without actually counting them.
counting strategies
Approaches to solving math problems that involve counting of the quantities.
strategy choice model
The idea that children solve math problems by choosing the fastest approach that they can execute accurately.
phonemic awareness
The understanding that words are made up for smaller units of sound; also, association of printed letters with the sounds that go with them.
inventive spellings
Incorrect spellings that children create by sounding out words and writing the associated letters.
knowledge telling
Adding or “dumping” in ideas as they come to mind; a failure to selectively organize ideas in writing.