Chapter 10 - Vitamins Flashcards
With reference to Vitamin D (cholecalciferol), state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
- Helps the body to promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus which are needed to form strong bones and teeth.
- Helps to maintain healthy nerves and muscles.
Food sources: oily fish, milk, liver, egg yolk, sunlight
Deficiency disease: Rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults, weak bones and teeth.
With reference to Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
● For the formation of proteins such as collagen
● To maintain healthy skin and heal cuts and wounds
● To help our body to absorb iron from food
● To act as an antioxidant
Food sources: citrus fruit, guava, honeydew, watermelon
Deficiency disease: Scurvy - dry and scaly skin, swollen and bleeding gums, mild bruises and painful joints
List two symptoms of a deficiency of vitamin B2 (Riboflavin).
● Failure to grow / stunted growth / retarded growth
● Skin lesions / cracks in skin
● Dermatitis
● Conjunctivitis / blurred vision / itchy eyes / sore eyes
● Swollen tongue
● Sore / dry cracked skin around mouth / lips
● Throat swelling / soreness
With reference to Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin), state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
● Formation of red blood cells
● Prevent pernicious anaemia;
● Aids metabolism / metabolism of amino acids
● Maintenance of healthy nerve cells
● Production of DNA / RNA / works with folic acid
Food sources: Dairy products, meat, poultry, fish and eggs.
Deficiency disease: Pernicious anaemia
What are the functions of vitamins?
● They are essential for good health and the normal
growth of our body.
● They protect our body against many diseases.
● They help to regulate the chemical processes in our
body, such as producing enzymes and releasing
energy from food.
● They work with proteins to regulate the building and
repair of our body cells.
● They are an essential part of the important enzyme
systems in our body.
With reference to Vitamin B1, state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
● Aids in releasing energy from food
● Essential for normal functioning of nerves.
Food sources: Meat/ Cereals/Soya beans/ Nuts/Peas/Mushrooms
Deficiency disease: Beri Beri
State a group of people who will require B12 supplements in their diet.
Strict vegetarians
What are fat-soluble vitamins.
Fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K dissolve in the fat tissues in our body, including our liver, spleen and kidneys.
What are water-soluble vitamins.
B-group vitamins and vitamin C are known as water-soluble vitamins as they dissolve in water. Water-soluble vitamins which are not used immediately are excreated from our body through urine.
With reference to Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
● Helps in the release of energy from food
● Needed for growth and development
Food sources: Dairy products, eggs, meat, liver, soya beans
Deficiency disease: Ariboflavinosis
With reference to Vitamin B3 (Niacin), state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
● Helps in the release of energy from carbohydrates and fats.
Food sources: Meat, fish, poultry, potatoes, whole-grain food, liver
Deficiency disease: Pellagra
With reference to Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
● Needed to produce and break down amino acids.
Food sources: Whole-grain food, meat, fish, poultry, potatoes, liver
Deficiency disease: Numbness in hands and feet, dermatitis, anaemia, convulsion
With reference to Vitamin B9 (Folate/Folic acid), state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
● Helps in the release of energy from amino acids
● Helps to form new cells and genetic materials (DNA)
● Works with vitamin B12 and iron to produce red
blood cells.
Food sources: Milk, cereals, liver, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruit, whole-grain food
Deficiency disease: Anaemia, spina bifida in babies, premature and low birth weigh babies
With reference to Vitamin A (Retinol), state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
● Needed for healthy vision and skin
● Provides resistance against infections
● Needed for growth and development
● Acts as an antioxidant
Food sources: Liver, oily fish, milk, egg yolk, red, yellow and orange-coloured fruit and vegetables
Deficiency disease: Night blindness, dry and rough skin, poor growth in children, loss of sight
With reference to Vitamin E (Tocopherol), state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
● Acts ad an antioxidant
● For healthy nerves and muscles
Food sources: vegetable oils, whole-grain food, egg yolk, nuts and liver
Deficiency disease: rare
With reference to Vitamin K (Naphthoquinone), state the function, two food sources and the related deficiency disease
● Helps blood to clot properly
Food sources: liver, green leafy vegetables, legumes, vegetable oils
Deficiency disease: blood is not able to clot properly