Chapter 10 Flashcards
What is often thought of in a limited sense meaning punishment or penalty A. Appraisal B. Promotion C. Discipline D. Assignment
C. Discipline
The main purpose of which practice is to facilitate coordination of effort, develop self control and character and foster orderliness and efficiency A. Appraisal B. Promotion C. Discipline D. Assignment
C. Discipline
The principal responsibility for maintaining an appropriate level of discipline in the unit should rest upon whom A. Chief of Police B. Line supervisor C. Mayor D. All of the above
B. Line Supervisor
The supervisor is doing an injustice to his organization and other employees if he refuses or neglects to consider ______ an employee
A. Transfer of
B. Appraisals of
C. Assignment of
D. Complaints against
D. Complaints against
What word comes from the root definition of one who receives instruction from another or who follows devotedly the expressions and actions of a respected leader A. Discipline B. Supervisor C. Chief D. Appraisal
A. Discipline
Discipline is a term used in modern administration and management that denotes a form of moral or mental A. Training B. Education C.Correction D. All of the above
D. All of the above
The form of training and attitude conditioning which is used to correct deficiencies without invoking punishment is know as A. Positive discipline B. Retraining C. Specialized training D. Corrective training
A. Positive discipline
A well discipline organization is one that is considered highly A. Structured B. Trained C. Supervised D. Regulated
B. Trained
The form of discipline which is exemplified by punishment or chastisement is know as A. retraining B. Specialize training C. Negative discipline D. Reassignment
C. Negative discipline
What act in and of itself or the prospect of it may cause a hostile negative attitude on the job A. retraining B. Reassignment C. Punishment D. all of the above
C. Punishment
While punishing an employee does not guarantee that his future conduct or performance will improve, it will not demoralize others in the organization if it is sensibly applied and is A. Fair and consistent B. Equal and swift C. Equal and consistent D. Fair and swift
A. Fair and consistent
Which of following is a requisite for punishment A. Certainly of punishment B. Swiftness of punishment C. Consistent punishment D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Which practice should not only serve as a deterrent to the employee against who it is applied but should be a form of training for other employees to orient them to the types of acts the organization cannot and will not tolerate A. Punitive action B. Discipline C. Retraining D. Reassignemnt
A. Punitive action
According to your text, who should be able to control themselves before they can control others A. Police Officers B. Supervisors C. Police administrator D. Chief of Police
A. Supervisor
When a subordinate can exercise a form of discipline against their supervisor this is know as A. Upward discipline B. Upward Appraisal C. Upward evaluation D. All of the above
A. Upward Discipline
Morale is a state of mind reflecting the degree to which an individual
A. Has confidence in the members of his group and organization
B. believes in the group and organizations objectives
C. Desires to accomplish the objectives of the group and organization
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Morale is considered to be what kind of condition A. Stable B. Static C. Fluctuating D. Inert
C. Fluctuating
In a broad framework, morale may be measured by factors such as A. Quality of work B. Rate of turnover C. Amount of absenteeism D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Which of the below involves the existence of a sense of common endeavor and responsibility within the group that embodies devotion to the group enterprise cooperation among its members and pride in its accomplishments A. Espirit De Corp B. Coup de te C. Ceis la vie D. Espirit la vie
A. Espirit De Corp
When a disciplinary case is poorly prepared or carelessly investigated it reflects poorly on the supervisor and the organization as a result
A. The employee is looked poorly upon
B. The employee is usually returned to the job on appeal
C. The employee is the focus of future investigation
D. all of the above
B. The employee is usually returned to the job on appeal
Which of the following will dictate the procedure to be followed in receiving and disposing of complaints against personnel A. Laws B. Regulations C. Organizational policy D. State statutes
C. Organizational policy
The primary objective in the administration of effective personnel complaint investigation policy is
A. To protect the reputation of the force
B. To protect public interest
C. To protect the accused employee from unjust accusation
D. All of the above
d. All of the above
Public entities have traditionally been immune from civil liability resulting from wrongful acts of their employees based on which ancient philosophy A. Sovereign immunity B. Sovereign reservation C. Sovereign Protection D. Sovereign exemption
A. Sovereign immunity
Under which doctrine is a public entity now liable for the wrongful acts or omissions of its employees who are acting within the scope of their employment A. Respondeat superior B. Respondeat quality C. Respondeat reservation D. Respondeat adequate
A. Respondeat Superior
If a death occurred from police action and inquest was held to determine the cause of death and investigating supervisor should formally request. Transcript of the preceding from the A. Chief of police B. Coroner C. Complaint officer D. District Attorney
B. Coroner
Subordinates are bound to obey organizational rules regardless of their feeling
A. True
B. False
A. True
The ability to maintain a high level of discipline is probably the single most important characteristic of a strong leader
A. True
B. False
A. True
Although punishment may be produce some undesirable effects, it must be administered at times because no alternative method of coping with a problem of misbehavior is appropriate
A. True
B. False
A. True
The threat of punishment and the fear it creates are very effective in changing behavior in the organization
A. True
B. False
B. False
Punitive action for similar breaches of conduct should not be uniform providing such dereliction’s occur under like conditions
A. True
B. False
B. False
A common belief exist among large segment of the public that a civil service employee cannot be fired.
A. True
B. False
A. True
State statutes will dictate the procedure to be followed in receiving and disposing of complaints against personnel
A. True
B. False
B. False
Public confidence in an organization will be fostered if it demonstrates it willingness to accept complaints against its personnel forthrightly and to give them prompt attention
A. True
B. False
A. True
with respondeat adequate the supervisor responsibility in making personnel complaint investigations is increased materially
A. True
B. False
B. False
Morale, espirit la vie, and discipline are interdependent
A. True
B. False
B. False