Chapter 1 Studying Adult Development and Aging Flashcards
Biological Forces Of Development
Genetics and Health Factors
Example- wrinkling, menopause
Chronological Age
Time since birth, Your actual age
Biological Age
Functional Age , How well your vital systems function
Psychological Age
Your ability to adapt to the changing environmental demands around you
Sociocultural /Social Age
Set of roles individuals adopt in relation to other members of society and culture
Subjective/ Perceived Age
How old you feel
The Biopsychosocial Perspective
View of development as a complex interaction of biological , psychological and social processes
Psychological Forces of Development
Internal perceptual, cognitive, emotion, personality
(thoughts, feelings, behaviours related to growing older
Sociocultural Forces of Development
Interpersonal, societal, cultural, ethnic, history
The social context of which we develop up in
Life-Cycle Forces of Development
How the same event or combination of biological, psychological and sociocultural forces affect people at different points in life.
Example- grey hair, losing hair, school shootings
Four Principles of Adult Development and Aging
Principle 1
Changes are continuous
- Continuity Principle: Changes in life are built on experiences from earlier in life. You cannot erase the past.
- No causal claims
Four Principles of Adult Development and Aging
Principle 2
Only the survivors grow old
- Survivor Principle: the people that grow old are the ones that didn’t die from disease of threats In life
- Select group of people
- includes avoiding random life threats or health threats. To grow old you can’t die.
Four Principles of Adult Development and Aging
Principle 3
Individuality Matters
- Inter-Individual Differences: With age, increased diversity differences BETWEEN people are magnified. There are cumulative effects of earlier life experiences
- Intra-individual Differences- Variations WITHIN the same individual.
(multi-directionality- development in multiple directions, example- losing and gaining skills over time
Four Principles of Adult Development and Aging
Principle 4
Normal Aging is different from disease
- growing older is not growing sicker.
- this is important for physicians to remember when treating older patients so they do not mistake an illness for being old.
Primary Aging
Normal aging over time due to intrinsic, universal and progress alterations to body’s systems
example- wrinkling
Secondary Aging
Impaired Aging
Changes over time due to disease
example- skin cancer
Tertiary Aging
Near death people experience a rapid decline in various functions
Optimal Aging
Changing with age that IMPROVE functioning
example- quitting smoking
Normative Age-Graded changes
Influence on development (social vs personal aging)
Leads people to choose experiences that their culture and historical period attach to. Certain ages or points in the life span also included
example- puberty , social norms
Normative History-Graded
Influence on development (social vs personal aging)
Events that most people in a specific culture experience at the same time
example- Covid
Influence on development (social vs personal aging)
Rare or random events that may be important for a certain individual
example- winning the lottery, getting in a car crash
Influence on Development (Social Factor)
Sex- Biological sex, physical characteristics
Influence on Development (Social Factor)
Gender- Sociocultural, identity
Influence on Development (Social Factor)
Biological and sociocultural influences
Socioeconomic Status
Influence on Development (Social Factor)
- education, occupation, income
Influence on Development (Socioeconomic Status)
Percentage of population accounting for wealth
Whitehall II Investigation
Influence on Development (Socioeconomic Status)
Survey showing that poor health is not just related to poor health habits
Age Pyramids
Influence on Development (Demographics)
There was a bulge in population count from the baby boomers after a dip in population count from world war II. This cause the triangle to turn upside down pyramid
Life Expectancy
Influence on Development (Demographics) - Life expectancy: the average length of life for people born in a particular time interval - For Canadians Males 79.9 Females 84 Has been increasing since 1900
Life Span
Influence on Development (Demographics)
- Life Span: The maximum age for a given species
Health Adjusted Life Expectancy
Influence on Development (Demographics)
- The number of years someone cold expect to life in good health
men - 69 women - 70.5
Compression of Morbidity Hypothesis
Influence on Development (Demographics)
- less of a societal burden if morbidity is closer to mortality
- want a small gap