Chapter 1: Emergency Supplies and Equipment Flashcards
Emergency medical supplies should be stored on?
a mobile cart with shelves and drawers (referred as: crash cart).
What should be consider when stocking the a Crash cart/
The emergencies that are most likely to be encounter.
What medical supplies a Crash Cart should not be without?
Gloves, face masks, alcohol wipes, needles, sterile dressings, adhesive tape, basic air way supplies and IV access supplies.
Consideration should be given to the type of?
Anticipated emergencies, distance to nearest ER, cost and skill level of use.
Equipment such as glucometer pulse, oximeter, oxygen tank and nebulizer would be likely be used more frequently in most offices than?
Cardiac monitor or laryngoscope for endotracheal intubation.
An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) should be readily accessible in order to respond to?
Cardiac emergencies such as Ventricular Fibrillation.
What does Ventricular Fibrillation can cause?
Cardiac death if not treated within minutes.
What does the built-in computer analyzes in an AED?
Patient’s heart rhythm through adhesive pads.
What happens when an AED detects Ventricular Fibrillation?
Will emit a shot at the right moment.
What is the goal of an AED?
To stop the chaotic rhythm and restore normal activity.