Chapter 1 Flashcards
The S__ trial: a 1925 trial about whether teachers should teach evolution is schools.
-idea of what does it mean to be h__?
Explored the question, how do humans d__ from animals?
- use of t__?
- l__?
- s__?
- s__!
differ tools language soul self
Self: a m__ t__ that allows people (and perhaps a few species of animals) to think c__ about t__.
-an e__ feature of humanity but also a c__.
mental tool, consciously, themselves
essential, curse
What are the consequences of having a self?
- w__/a__
- e__
- g__
Overall s__ c__ emotions.
self conscious
What would life look like if you couldn’t self reflect?
- i__ world
- s__-no learning from the p__
- ruled by i__
stagnant, past
5 Important Consequences of the self:
1) Planning: can play out future e__ and c__.
- Analogue-I: a mental r__ of yourself that you can t__ about and m__ in your mind.
ex: have c__, rehearse f__.
ex2: replay the p__.
- most people replay n__ events more than p__.
- “mental t__ t__.”
events, consequences
representation, think, manipulate
conversations, future
past, negative, positive
time travel
5 Important Consequences of the self:
2) D__ making & S__-Control:
- automatic vs. controlled thoughts
- i__/i__
- a__ judgments
- not c__
- can start without our a__
- v__ rethinking of a__ judgments
- the s__ allows this
- open to our a__
Can move between them r__ and f__
John Bargh believed most behavior is a__.
-current example: reading letters within these words.
decision, self
- instinctual/involuntary
- automatic judgments
- not controllable
- can start without our awareness
voluntary, automatic
rapidly, frequently
What is the function of controlled thoughts? (from the self).
- thinking about o__
- overriding a__ behavior
5 Important Consequences of the self:
3) Self-C__ & E__:
- how we v__ ourselves
- can be v__ or v__
- b__ is affected by who we t__ we are.
- “I’m not that kind of person.” can be d__.
conceptualization, evaluation
visual, verbal
behavior, think
5 Important Consequences of the self:
4) Introspection: You can t__ about t__.
- example of “m__.”
ex: Thinking about s__ other and o__ thoughts, i.e. “are they thinking about me as much.”
-This ability changes the n__ of our e__.
How?-See the world through the filter of y__.
Too much introspection can lower s__.
think, thinking
significant, overanalyzing
nature, experiences
5 Important Consequences of the self:
5) Perspective-Taking:
- can also try to imagine o__, based on y__.
i. e. taking their p__ (e__)
- animals without s__ can’t seem to do this.
ex: babies (__-__ months) develop s__-a__ and e__ at same time.
ex2: chimps can d__ others by not reacting to food when other chimps around because they are perspective-taking on how those chimps would react to the food competitively.
other, yourself
perspective, empathy
18-24, self-awareness, empathy
Self-Awareness in Animals:
-self-recognition & m__ test
~started with reports of m__ r__ and s__-e__ in chimpanzees.
General Paradigm:
- anesthetized chimps with mirror experience and without mirror experience.
- the chimps are marked with an odorless dye.
~With mirror experience-touched their __.
~Without mirror experience-touched the __.
~Also l__ at and s__ fingers afterwards.
mirror recognition, self-exploration
looked, smelled
Explanation for Self-Recognition:
-K__-V__ M__ (KVM)
~animals m__ their bodies and w__ the mirror
~animal can f__ its movement through s__ (k__ sense) and m__ it with o__ body.
kinesthetic visual matching
move, watch
feel, space, kinesthetic, match, other
Self-Awareness in Animals:
-o__, c__, g__, s__, e__, o__, d__, some b__.
~m__ and d__ don’t pass but __ can be t__ to have self-recognition.
~paradigm variations for o__ and d__.
orangutans, chimps, gorillas, siamangs, elephants, orcas, dolphins, some birds.
monkeys, dogs, monkeys, taught
orcas, dolphins
Self-Recognition Research with Children:
- children from Western cultures-display by - months.
- children from non-western cultures-haven’t displayed by _ months (_ years), possibly due to less m__ access.
72, 6, mirror
Search for the Self: Where are you processing e__ and thinking t__.
-early research–>f__ l__.
emotions, thoughts
frontal lobe
Frontal Lobe Damage Case Studies:
- patients may not see deficits in t__.
- o__ to how others see them.
- lose ability to be s__-a__, i__, d__, b__ over problems.
- can think of p__, but not f__ or p__. (no mental “t__-t__”)
- decreased p__, g__, and s__-c__.
themselves oblivious self-absorbed, introspect, daydream, brood present, future, past, time-travel planning, goals, self-control
Problems drawing Conclusions from Case Studies:
- d__
- d__ brains are not n__ functioning brains
- they are i__ cases
damaged, normally
Search for the Self:
-recent neuroscience research using fMRI’s–> m__ p__ c__ (MPFC)
ex: s__-r__ effect: you will better remember info if you relate it to y__.
medial prefrontal cortex
self-reference, yourself
Self-Reference Effect Research: Participants given fMRI scan while seeing t__ a__.
-Judged each words in one of 3 ways:
~s__-r__ (yes, it describes me or no).
~o__-r__ (control)
~u__ or l__ (control)
-Then asked to r__ words.
Results: M__P__F__C__ selectively engaged during __-referential judgments.
trait adjectives
uppercase, lowercase
medial prefrontal cortex, self-referential
Medial Prefrontal Cortex activation associated with:
- taking another person’s p__ to perceive one’s own a__.
- memory for your p__
- observing own f__
- e__/m__ of self information
- memory for c__ o__ (so close they are essentially a part of who y__ are).
perspective, attributes
close others, you