chapter 1 Flashcards
in the nervous system, this refers to change, flexibility, or adaptation, usually in response to an experience or learning.
nerve cell; the information processing and information transmitting cells of the nervous system
production of new neurons the division of neural stem cells; occurs in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb and appears to play a role in learning
a type of scientific explanation; a general conclusion based on many observations of similar phenomena
a type of scientific explanation; a phenomenon is described in terms of the more elementary processes that underlie it
the belief that the body is physical but the mind is not
the belief that the world consists only of matter and energy and that the mind is a phenomenon produced by the workings of the nervous system
an automatic stereotyped movement that is produced as the direct result of a stimulus
doctrine of specific nerve energies
muller’s conclusion that, because all nerve fibers carry the same type of message, sensory information must be specified by the particular nerve fibers that are active
changes to gene expression induced by environmental factors
the principle that the best way to understand a biological phenomenon is to try to understand its useful functions for the organism
natural selection
the process by which inherited traits that confer a selective advantage become more prevalent in a population
a change in the genetic information contained in the chromosomes of sperm or eggs, which can be passed on to an organisms offspring; provides genetic variability
selective advantage
a characteristic of an organism that permits it to produce more than the average number of offspring of its species
a gradual change in the structure and physiology of plant and animal species - generally producing more complex organisms - as a result of natural selection
behavioral neuroscience
a scientist who studies the physiology of behavior primarily by performing physiological and behavioral experiments with laboratory animals
a slowing of the process of maturation allowing more time for growth an important factor in the development of large brains
dissected and studied brains on animals found all of the nerves were connected to the brain.
santiago y cajal
used golgi straining technique to examine individual neurons of the brain and made drawings from what he could see
rene descartes
assumptions, reflexes, suggested link between mind and brain, moving models
decartes assumptions
world is mechanical entity, once God set it it ran its course without divine intervention
electrical stimulation of frogs caused contaction of attached muscle
doctrine of specific nerve engeries
experimental ablation on animals
experimental ablation on humans; found speech is on left side of brain;
fritsch and hitzig
found the hemispheres control opposite sides of the body; primary motor cortex
hermann von helmholtz
made formula for law of conservation of energy; measured the speed of conduction through nerves (90 feet per second)
natural selection, functionalism, evolution,
functional analysis of an adaptive trait; moths have eye like spots that protect them from preditiors