Chapter 09: Chemical Bonding I: The Lewis Model Flashcards
Covalent bond
Electrons shared
Nonmetal + nonmetal
Usually polar, sometimes nonpolar
Metallic bonding
Electrons pooled (“sea of electrons”)
Metal + metal
Results from attraction of cations to delocalized electrons
Ionic bond
Electrons transferred
Oppositely charged ions bond, lowering overall potential energy
Lewis structure of ionic bond
Cation + anion in squared brackets
Exceptions to octet rule
- Duet rule (H, Li, Be, B – first four elements)
- Expanded octet (period 3 and below)
Lattice energy
Exothermic energy associated with formation of crystalline lattice
Electrostatic attraction is nondirectional (no direct anion-cation pair)
Hence, no ionic molecule
Depends directly on size;
inversely on distance between ions
Born-Haber cycle
Hypothetical series of steps representing the formation of an ionic compound from constituent elements
Change in enthalpy known for each step except last (for lattice energy)
Utilize Hess’ law to determine lattice energy enthalpy change
Ion size & lattice energy
Force of attraction inversely proportional to distance between them
Larger ionic radius = weaker attraction = smaller lattice energy
Less exothermic with increasing ionic radius
Ion charge & lattice energy
More exothermic with increasing ionic charge
Force of attraction directly proportional to product of charges
Larger charge = stronger attraction = larger lattice energy
*Generally more important than ion size
Bonding pair
Electrons that are shared by atoms
Lone pair
Nonbonding pair
Electrons not shared by atoms
Polar covalent bond
Covlanet bond between unlike atoms
Unequal sharing of electrons
One atom pulls electrons in bond closer to its side
Ability of an atom to attract electrons to itself in a chemical bond
Measure of EN is relative
EN increases toward the right of a period and up a group
F = most EN; Fr = least EN
Noble gases = NO EN
EN inversely related to atomic size
Pure/nonpolar covalent bond
Electrons shared equally (between atoms with like EN)
Dipole moment
A measure of bond polarity
i.e. the polarity of a bond between two atoms within a molecule or ion
Directly proportional to size of particle charges and distance between charges
Represented with vector arrow
The more electrons shared & the larger the atoms are, the larger the dipole moment
Percent ionic character
Percentage of a bond’s measured dipole moment compared to what it would be if the electron were completely treansferred
Indicates the degree to which the electron is transferred
Writing Lewis structures (4)
- Write skeletal structure (H is always terminal; more electronegative elements are terminal)
- Calculate total # of valence electrons
- Distribute electrons
- If any atoms lack an octet, form double or triple bonds as necessary
Formal charge (4)
Charge an atom would have if all bonding electrons were shared equally
FC of an atom = Valence e- - nonbonding e- - (1/2)(bonding e-)
- Sum of all formal charges in neutral molecule = 0
- Sum of all formal charges in ion = ion charge
- Small (or zero) formal charges on individual atoms are better than large ones
- When formal charge cannot be avoided, negative formal charge should reside on the most electronegative atom
Resonance structures
Based on delocalization of electrons which stablilizes molecule/ion
Multiple correct Lewis structures that average out to what occurs in nature
Same atomic structure, different bond arrangement
*Formal charges must total the same in each resonance structure
Resonance hybrid
A combination of resonance forms that best represents that actual molecule (cannot be drawn as one structure)
Free radicals
AKA odd-electron species
Molecules and ions with an odd number of electrons in Lewis structures
Reactive because of odd number of electrons
Incomplete octet
Applies to first five elements: H, He, Li, Be, B
Expanded octets
Applies to elements in third row and below
Up to 12 (sometimes 14) electrons
Stored in d orbitals
Bond energy
The amount of energy required to break one mole of a bond in the gas phase
*Average bond energies can be used to estimate ΔHrxn
ΔHrxn = Σ(ΔH bonds broken) + Σ(ΔH bonds formed)
broken = positive
formed = negative
Periodic trends in bond energies (4)
- The more electrons shared between two like atoms, the stronger the bond
- The shorter the bond, the stronger the bond
- Bonds get stronger up a group
- Bonds get stronger toward the right of a period
Bond length
Distance between nuclei of bonded atoms
Average bond length
Average for similar bonds from many compounds
Used because the actual bond length depends on the other atoms around the bond
Periodic trends in bond lengths (4)
- The more electrons shared, the shorter the bond
- The longer the bond, the weaker
- Bond length increases to the left of a period
- Bond length increases down a group
Electron sea model
Simplest theory of metallic bonding
Metal atoms release valence electrons to be shared as a pool