Chap-14 Vitamins Flashcards
Vitamin A :
good for vision,
Pre-vit.A-> Transport to intestinal cells -> CRBP-II , packed into chylomicrons
Vitamin D:
Pathway for Liver
D3 (cholecalciferols) and D3 (ergocalciferosl) –> Metabolized to 25 (OH)D3/D2 - In liver using 25(oh)’ase
Pathway for Kidney (Vit.D)
25 (OH) D3/D2 –> 1,25 (OH)2 D using 25(OH) 1alphaOH’ase - Kidney
1,25 (OH)2 D is biologically active hormone
What can control vitamin D and Ca (Vit.D)
PTH, Ca , 1,25 (OH) D
How to Increase synthesis of 1,25 (OH)2 D? (Vit.D)
Inc. PTH and Decrease P
What does Low Calcium cause? (Vit.D)
Inc. PTH stimulation …
Increase In Calicum and Increase P. and 1,25(OH)2D (Vit.D)
Decreases the enzyme to make 1,25(OH)2D .
Increase in PTH, Low Ca and Low P (Vit.D)
Increases 1,25 (OH)2D , increases the enzyme 1,25(OH)D1alphaOH’ase
Increase Ca, Inc. P and presence of 1,25(OH)2D (Vit.D)
Decrease 1,25(OH)2D and decrease the eznyme to make it
1,25 (OH)2D causes : (Vit.D)
increase in 24,25(OH)2D which converts teh 1,25 (OH)2 to be inactivated to make calcitroic acid.
What does 1,25 (OH)2 D do in the duodenum and illeum / jegunum? (Vit.D)
Stim, Ca abs duodenum
Stim P, abs in Jegunum
3 ways to determine 25(OH)D [ ] (Vit.D)
Look at CaT1 - transporter
Calbindin D9k - diffusion
CaATP’ase - let ca exit
Vitamin E: impact on ROS?
Anti-oxidant for ROS
What other vitamin E works with?
What is vit.E converted to in the liver?
Alpha-Tocopherols using alpha-TPP by VLDL
alpha tocopherols effects : (vit.E)
- ‘hibit prot.K C and 5lipoxygenase
+: protein. P’ase 2A and DAG.K
Vitamin K Used for:
Blood clotting as cofactor to make vit.K carobxylase
Function of Vit.K carobxylase?
Helps add glutamyl residues to gama-gla, and gama-gla increase affinity to ca2+ binding.. which will make thrombin factors
Vitamin B1-
Vit.B1 - is co-enzyme to what?
TPP , which is used to make pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate in the PDH
Vit.B1 3 enzymes affect:
Thamine.K (Thiamine + ATP —> TPP + AMP)
TPP-ATP ( TPP + ATP—–> 3P + ADP)
Thaimine Trio-P.’ase (TPP —> M.P)
TPP Is a coenzyme to > (Vit.B1)
Mg2+ in PDH and Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
What function does Vit.B1 have on cells?
Regulate cl- ion channels and signalling
Defiency to vit.B1
Wernicke-Korsakoff and Berriberri
Vitamin B2->?
What is riboflavin used for?
FAD and FMN redox reactions
What can stimulate FAD and FMN synthesis?
T3 and T4 hormones
What can Vit.B2 do to homocysteine?
Decreases it because FAD is a co-factor for MTHFR
Vitamin B3–>?
What is niacin/ademide used in? B3
To make NAD and NADP+
What can Nicotnic acid do ? B3
It can lower T.G and Inc. HDL
Defiency of B3
Vit.B5 –>?
Panthotenic acid
Vit.B5 2forms:
L-valine (pantoic acid) ; B-alaline (L-asparate)
Role of vit.B5 in TCA?
ACP and -coA in the PDH
Defficiency to vit.b5?
Burning feet
Vit.b6 names?
Pyrodoxine , pyridoxamine ; pyridoxal
What does vit.b6 get ultamadly converted to?
PLP . Pyridoxal phosphate
What will low b6 cause?
Nitrogen stores to be lower and have tryptophan problems
Vit.b7 name
Biotin or vit.H
what is biotin used in?
Carboxylic rxn of pyruvate , Acetyl-coA and propionyl-coA
Fxn of biotin?
Fa synthesis
A.A breakdown
Egg relation?
Egg whites = avidin
Egg yolk=biotin
avidin binds irreversably biotin
Name of B9?
Folic acid
Role of B9
Used to make purines, dTMP , cholines and serines
What is folic acid a co-enzyme for?
Pteroic acid which ataches to glu… forming pte-glu
What does b9 get converted to?
Pte-glu reduced to 5MTHF
Role of methyl-transferase in B9?
5-MTHF –> Cobalmin..
and methyl-transferase is in similar metabolism of folic acid in b-12 .. because b-12 is cobalmins
B-12 low with B9»??
B-12 low = body traps the folate here to not be used and to save them.
Deffiency to b9>
Megloblastic anemia
How to derease the homocystein with b9>
Inc.Folate = avoid pathways that makes homocysteine.
Vit.b12 name?
Fxn of b12?
Cobalamins are tetrapyroles with a cobalt in the center.
What is a corrin ring?
its the 4 pyrole rings without the cobalt in the center, but still cobalamin
What do we find in serum and in cytosol vit.b12
Methyl-cobalamin in serum
Adenosyl-cobalamin in the cytosol..
How does the body transport b12 food to circulation?
1-Bind haptocorrin
2-B12 free will bind IFthe slow haptocorrin
3- Distal illeum b-12-IF intetraction, will bind a R on mucosal epithelial cells
4-B12 disociates and binds the tc-II in cells
5- Tc-B12 goes bind Tc-B12-R on membranes and released in the blood.