Chap 11 Flashcards
Great famine
A famine in the years 1315 to 1322 caused by storms ruining crops.
The Black Death
A disease that wiped out a third of the European population and was brought to Europe by Genoese ships.
Flagellants were people who believed The Black Death was a punishment from God. As a result of this, they whipped and scourged themselves as penance.
The Hundred Years War
The longest war in European history that took place between England and France between 1337 and 1453.
representative assemblies
The Hundred Years War stimulated the growth of the Parliament and other European assemblies. These laid the foundationsfor the representative institutions of modern democratic nations.
Babylonian Captivity
The 70 years the ancient Hebrews were captive in Mesopotamian Babylon.
Great Schizm
A divide in Western Christendom caused by the exocumminication of Pope Urban VI when he threatened to exoocommunicate Cardinals when he wanted church reform. The Cardinals selected a new Pope, causing two split authorites of Catholicism.
People who believed that reform of the Church could best be achieved by periodic assemblies represonting all the Christian people.
Christian Groups that were run by people unordained by the Church.
English Peasants’ Revolt
A 1381 revolt caused by opposition to the tax of all adult males
The Statuete of Kilkenny
An English law imposed on Ireland stating “There shall be no marriages between those of immigrant and native stock; that the English inhabitants of Ireland must ploy the English language and bear English names.”
People who blamed nobility for oppressive taxes, losses on the battlefield and general misery.