Chap 10 Flashcards
A) Biopsychosocial model
B) Stress
A) A way of understanding what makes people healthy by combining biology, psychology, and social context
B) A physiological response to an environmental event that is perceived as taxing or exceeding one’s abilities
A) Primary appraisal
B) Secondary appraisal
A) A person’s perception of the demands or challenges of a given situation
B) A person’s assessment of their ability to deal with the demands of the situation
A) General adaptation syndrome
B) Diathesis-stress model
A) A broad-based physiological response to a physical threat that unfolds in three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
B) a model of clinical disorders suggesting that genes provide a susceptibility for a disorder that will manifest as symptoms only under certain levels of stress
A) Epigenetics
B) Broaden-and-build funtion
A) the study of how events in people’s lives can change how their genes are expressed
B) the idea that positive emotions evolved as a signal of safety, allowing for exploration and creativity
A) Flow
B) Implentation intentions
A) A subjective experience of having one’s attention so focused on an activity or task that any sense of self-awareness desappears
B) Specific “if-then” thoughts that cognitively connect a desired action to some triggering event or stimulus