Chap 1 Flashcards
Form of content continuum that functions together and reacts to stimuli and inhibitors together
ECM & Cells
The study of the tissues of the body and how these tissues are arranged to constitute organs
small pieces of tissue are placed in solutions of chemicals that preserved by cross-linking proteins and in activating degradative enzymes
The tissue is transferred through a series of increasingly concentrated alcohol solutions ending in 100% which removes all water
Alcohol is removed in toluene or other agents in which both alcohol and Harrison are Misccible
The tissue is then placed in melted paraffin until it becomes completely and infiltrated with this substance
The paraffin infiltrated tissue is placed in a small mold with melted paraffin and allowed to harden
The resulting paraffin block is Trimmed to expose the tissue for sectioning (slicing) on the microtome
Is use for sectioning paraffin embedded tissues for light microscopic midterm tissue specimen is mounted in the paraffin block holder needs turn of the drive will buy the histologist advances the holder to control distance after each forward to move the tissue block passes over the steel knife edge and a section is cut a thickness equal to the distance the block advanced
Cell substances with a net negative charge( anionic) charge, such as DNA & RNA, react strongly with _______ and basic stains, such material is said to be _________
Hematoxylin, basophilic
( Cationic) substances, such as collagen and many cytoplasmic proteins, react with ______ and other acidic stains and are said to be ___________
Eosin, acidophilic
____________ reaction is based on the transformation, of 1,2 glycol groups present in the in the sugars aldehyde residues which reacts with this to produce a purple or magenta color
Periodic acid Schiff reagent
Short branched chains of sugars
Are anionic, unbranched long chain polysaccharides containing animated sugars
Usually a single Strain that is applied separately to allow better recognition of nuclei and other structures.
Counter strain
A common lipid dye And dissolves in lipid rich structures of cells
Sudan Black
Collects and focuses a cone of light that illuminates the tissue slide on the stage
Enlarges and projects the image of the object in the direction of the eyepiece
Ocular lens further magnifies the image and projects it into the viewers retina or coupled charge device (ccd)
A method of localizing newly synthesized macromolecules in cells or tissue sections. Using radioactive metabolites
Live cells can be maintained and studied outside the body in culture ______. In the organism ________ cells are bathed in fluid derived from blood plasma, containing many different molecules required for survival and growth
Vitro, Vivo
Certain changes that can for example cause cell immortality and involved with the origin of cancer cells
Is a method for localizing cellular structures using specific enzymatic activity present in those structures
Enzyme Histochemistry
Examples of enzymes that can be detected histochemically
Phosphatases, Dehydrogenases,Peroxidase
The body’s immune cells interact with and produce ________against other macromolecules called________ that are recognized as foreign
Antibodies, antigens
Allows the recognition of stained or unstained structures made of highly organized subunits
Polarizing Microscopy
The ability to rotate the direction of vibration of polarized light
Is a compound extracted from a mushroom amanita phalloides and interacts strongly with actin
Is obtained from staphylococcus aureus bacteria and binds to the Fc region of immunoglobulin molecules
Protein A
Are proteins or glycoproteins derived mainly from plant seeds, that bind to carbs with high affinity and specificity
The method most commonly used by both students and pathologists uses ordinary light and the colors are imparted by tissue staining
Bright-Field Microscopy
Uses ultra violet light under which only fluorescent molecules are visible allowing localization of fluorescent probes which can be much more specific than routine stains
Fluorescence microscopy
Uses differences in refractive index of various natural cell and tissue components to produce an image without staining allowing observation of living cells
Phase Contrast Microscopy
Involves scanning the specimen at successive focal planes with a focused light beam, and produces a 3D reconstruction from the images
Confocal Microscopy
Sends a electromagnetically focused beam of electrons at very high voltage through ultra thin sections of tissue
Transmission Electron Microscopy
__________&___________ allow TEM study of unfixed frozen cells, with fractured membranes or cut surfaces coated with carbon and heavy metal to make a replica of the surface for analysis
Cryrofracture freeze etching
Scans an electron beam across a specimen coated with a thin layer of heavy metal reflected and secondary electrons from specimen are processed into a 3D ultra structural image
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Uses specific enzymatic activities in lightly fixed or unfixed tissue sections to produce visible products in the specific enzyme locations
Histochemical or cytochemical techniques
Based on specific reactions between an antigen and antibodies labeled with visible markers, often fluorescent compounds or Peroxidase for light micro and gold for TEM
When the cell or tissue antigen of interest is detected by directly binding a labeled primary antibody specific for that antigen, this process is considered
Direct Immunohistochemistry
Uses an unlabeled primary antibody that is detected bound to it’s antigen with labeled secondary antibodies is more commonly used because the added level of antibody binding amplifies the signal detected and provides greater technical flexibility
Indirect Immunohistochemistry
Certain steps in procedures for tissue sections may distort the tissues slightly producing minor structural abnormalities called _________ not present in the living tissue