Changing Populations ch1 Flashcards
Population and Economic Development Patterns
low income country
high income country
newly industrialized countries
the second world
state controlled communist countries like the soviet union
The first world (developed)
western Europe, North America, Australia, new seal and, japan
third world (developing)
all other less developed countries
more economically developed countries such as UK and USA–most high standard of living and most developed countries
Brazil, Russia, India, China
Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey
Columbia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, South Africa
Next 11 (N11)
Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Turkey, South Korea, Vietnam
centrally planned economies (CPEs)
economic decision which decisions are made by a central authority rather than market participants
oil rich countries
without oil would be LEDCs
recently industrialized countries
internal migration
migration within a country
migrant laborers
casual and unskilled workers who move about systematically from one region to another offering their services on a temporary, usually seasonal basis
circular migration
when a worker moves repeatedly between home and host areas
factors affecting population distribution
core economic regions are more dense, more mineral resources, and farming and trading potential areas. less dense in mountains and moist areas, generally population decreases from south-east to north-west, places prefer regular water, temperate climate, fertile valleys, and good communications
global patterns and classification of economic development
economic classifications above, global patterns, uneven population distributon results primarily on physical geography, some land may be too dry or steep for agriculture, while some regions of countries may be less developed because of lack of access to some resources or communications, high populations found in places with more mineral resources which lead to a decline in living and sanitation (higher costs of living)
Case study: population distribution & movement in China & South Africa
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