Changing Pattersn of Human Disease Through History Flashcards
What occurred during the enlighten year ?
18th century-
During this century science began to identify the organism and cause for most diseases.
What was Edward Jenner contribution ?(1796)
Small pox was a deadly disease at the time.
Vaccinated a small boy with pus from a cowpox lesion after eight weeks inoculated him with small pox
The boy did not develop any symptoms of disease and became immune
Jenner findings became a breakthrough during the 19 th century .
However, 30 years after Jenner’s death small pox vaccination became compulsory in England and Wales
What occurred in the 19 th century ?
Louis Pasteur ,first to demonstrated that micrograms could be pathogenic to humans
Developed pasteurization and vaccination against anthrax and rabies .
Based on Pasteur’s work , Joseph Lister applied antiseptics to surgical wounds .Surgery became 100 times safer
Discovered that microbes were responsible for souring alcohol /process of pasteurization where bacteria is destroyed by heating beverages and then allowing them to cool
French chemist/microbiologist who developed the first vaccine for rabies and anthrax.
What also occurred in 19 th century ?1876
Robert Koch , developed four postulates to identify an organism as the causative agent of a disease
Building on Pasteur work , Koch used experiments to prove that bacterium .Bacillus anthrax was the cause of anthrax .He extracted the bacterium from a sheep ,the injected into 20 generation mice’s before he announced in 1876 that he proved this bacterium called anthrax .
Developed four postulates to identify an organism as the causative agent of a disease (germ theory ) :
- It must always be present in the disease
- Capable of growth in pure culture in the laboratory
- Cause the disease when injected into a susceptible healthy animal .
- Be recovered from experimental animal
- He discovered bacteria cuaing anthrax ,cholera and tb .
What occurred in 19 th century ?1897
Ronald Ross
- Discovered the protozoan malarial parasite in human blood /his carrier the anopheles mosquito > malaria could e controlled by destroying the mosquito larvae in 1897 .
- Awarded the noble prize in 1902 for his discovery .
- Proved in 1897 , long suspected link between mosquito and malaria
He confirmed the hypotheses previously put forward independlty by a fellow scientists .
Evidence - Dissecting the stomach of a mosquito fed on the blood a malaria victim he found previously observed a parasite
Through his study he established the complete life cycle of parasitic organism .
What did Claude Bernard ? Observe in the 19 century?
Formulated the basic principles of research and experiment
Discovered glycogen and its production by the liver
First to define millie interiruer known as homeostatis
His experiments shed light in the process of digestions function of organs such as liver and nerves .Based on living organism.
What happened after the collapse of Roman Empire after ? 1912
Wonder drugs
Vitamin discovered in 1912 by Casimir Funk
Their isolation /synthesis allowed the cure of vitamin deficiency disease.
Discovered four substances which he beloved were vital including B1 ,B2 , in keeping healthy stopping them from getting diseases .
What happened after the 20 th century ? Wonder drugs
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928
Observed that a mould which had accidentally grown in a petri dish with a culture of bacteria had killed the germs around it he called the active substance in the mould penicillin.
Life saver during the WW2 - Elimination of diseases across a wide range
What was discovered in 1955 ? Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk introduced a killed vrus vaccine for polio
Disease became widespread during the post America War
Salk vaccine incorporated dead polio virus particles which were capable of porvsoking an immune response without the patient
After the investment of polio vaccination the number of poilio cases dropped dramatically following the vaccination /
What did Joseph Lister discover in 1834 ?
Introduced carbolic acid known as phenol
to sterilise surgical instruments /clean wounds
Helped eliminate infections becoming widespread ,principle adopted in many countries by a number of surgeons
Clean surgical tools with carbolic acids help limit infections .
What occurred during the enlighten years in 17 the century ?(William Harvey )
Demonstrated circulation of blood .First person to describe the function of the heart and the circulation around the body .
What occurred in 1616 century ?
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Described a red blood cells and bacteria .
Discovered Protozoa the single cells organism called them animalcules
1676 - First to observe bacteria
Repeated the experiment
What did Athanasius Kircher discover ? 1657
Linked the live microorganism in the blood with disease .
Made a significant original contribution
In 1657, Athanasius Kircher, a Jesuit priest and scientist from Germany, examined blood from plague victims, and described “worms” of plague.
Wonder Drugs what did Paul Elrich discover in 1907 ?
First to use a specific chemical against a specific pathogen .
asphenamine against sypillis
Further invented the concept of chemotherapy /made a significant contribution to the development of serum against diphtheria
Also won noble prize
What did Gerhard Domagk discover ?1935
Discovers sulphonamides in 1935
The first ever commercially available anti microbial drugs
Observed in 1932
Noted the effects of red dye prontosil on Streptoccus infections in mice .
While developing new methods for the staining of live tissues ,elrich
What did Albert Schatz discover in 1943?
Isolated by Albert Schatz
helped in the cure of tuberculosis soon joined by isoniazid and para amino salicylic acid .First cooperative research works
This antibiotic treated a number of deadly diseases such as tb , cholera
What did Marie curie discover in 1898 ?
Announced the discovery of new chemical known as radium
Research was crucial in the development of x-ray /discovery of another element known as polonium .
Roentagen discobred x-ray
What do the Hippocrates discover or know ?460-377 BC)
Interested in determine the cause and treatment of disease .
Believe in the healing of nature such as fresh air
Approach to discuss /Clinical observation were basis of prevention /control of infectious disease .
Believed in maintaining the balance of 4 types of humours or fluids : blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile.
Disease was induced when these fluids were not in balance.
Bloodletting was based on this theory and persisted well into the early 19th century.