Changing Economic KO Flashcards
Measuring Development
Development measures how economically, socially, culturally or technologically advanced a country is. It suggests: advancement, evolution, expansion, growth, improvement, increase, maturity, progress, changes for the better
Examples of Development Indicators
GNI, HDI, Infant Mortality, Literacy Rate,
Examples of Factors causing uneven development
Physical environment, Health, Trade, History
Physical Environment
Soil erosion, desertification, climate change, overgrazing and infertile soils affect farming.
Areas without fertile land, natural resources, water and energy suffer.
Natural hazards make little progress with development e.g. Haiti
Diseases can make people too weak to work or go to school.
80% of all developing world disease is water-related. 2 million die a year.
LIC’s are unable to invest in good quality health care
Trade blocs favour its members.
Primary products sold by LIC’s are sold for cheap prices that can fluctuate. HICs make more expensive products so earn more..
Poor infrastructure or conflict means some people cannot sell their goods at all
Colonialism: Many countries in Asia, S. America and Africa have spent a lot of time and money on civil wars and political struggles for power since being made separate from European superpowers.
Many LICs haven’t had time to develop fully.
Examples of UK links
Ports, Air, Roads
UK port industry is the biggest in Europe due to our large coastline
120 ports in UK; including Belfast, Bristol and Felixstowe
Liverpool 2 will handle 1.5 million containers a year
Heathrow is the UK’s busiest airport with 1 plane taking off every 45 secs
300,000 people employed in UK aviation
Heathrow airport is looking to expand
1st motorway in 1958
By 2008 there were 2200 miles of motorways
The A303 is being widened to create a super highway.
Smart motorways are being created across the UK
Solutions to Uneven development (pt.1)
Industrial Development
Fair trade
Solutions to Uneven development (pt.2)
Intermediate technology
Debt relief
Classifying the World’s development
A HIC has an GNI per capita of over ~$12000
A NEE has an economy that is rapidly progressing
A LIC has a GNI per capita of below $800
The Brandt line
Many years ago, Dr Brandt classified the world into the rich north and the poor south. He drew this line called the Brandt Line or the North-South Divide.
However over time, countries in the south began to develop like Singapore and China and the line became outdated
Tourism in Jamaica : Background
Jamaica is one of the largest islands in the West Indies. Its population is 2.7 million . It has a GNI per capita of $5,320
Tourism in Jamaica : Attractions
Beautiful beaches, warm sunny climate, rich cultural heritage. Good international air communications and is a hub for cruise ships
Tourism in Jamaica : Positive Impacts
24% of Jamaica’s GDP comes from tourism ($2 billion per year). 200,000 people are employed directly or indirectly in tourism. Better roads and infrastructure.
Social – understanding of cultural ideas. Can invest money in healthcare and education.
Environmental – Educate on how to look after environment
Tourism in Jamaica : Negative Impacts
Economic – only 15% of profits stays in the country; the rest goes to HICs. The jobs are seasonal.
Social –. Most people visit the North so the South isn’t benefiting. This is causing inequality in different areas.
Environmental – Increased air pollution, excessive waste and footpath soil erosion
Standard of life
refers to the economic level of a person’s daily life
Quality of Life
looks at social measures of well being.
Measuring population : demographic transition model
shows how a country’s population changes as it becomes more developed from subsistence farming cultures to HICs
Measuring population : Population pyramids/structures
from having a lot of babies and a wide bottom, to good healthcare and more elderly people
Ecotourism, is a type of tourism which involves protecting the environment and the way of life of local people
Examples of UK global links
Political, trade, transport, culture, technology
Political : Commonwealth
These are 53 states across the world that were part of our colonial history
Many expats live there (Brits who live abroad)
The Queen is head of state in 16 of these countries
promotes democracy, good governance, human rights and economic development as the UK trades with its previous colonies
Political : EU
We joined the EU in 1979 and opted to leave in 2016.
About 50% of exports and imports are to the EU
Political : trade
49.6% of the UK’s exports went to EU countries, and 50.4% went to non-EU countries such as the USA and China,. The USA takes the most.
A lot of trade is now finance and communications following deindustrialisation.
Political : Transport
More than 750,000 international flights depart from the UK annually to 400 airports in 114 countries
Heathrow is the 4th busiest airport in the world (good seeing as we’re not the 4th biggest population!)
Eurotunnel links our island to Europe
Political : Culture
English Language has helped us set up strong links
Students abroad can sit British exams
UK TV productions have a global audience
We are a culture of immigration leading to a unique and multicultural society
Political : Technology
90% of population has internet – very connected!
We spend more online shopping than anywhere in Europe
18 million businesses run from home