Ch5 Flashcards
Depth perception matures as a result of?
Natural processes combine with their environment.(nurture and nature)
Hypnotic susceptibility
How likely you are to be hypnotized
Name the four sleeping patterns
Give meaning to these four terms. Beta,Alpha,Delta,Theta
Beta-small,slow brain waves associated with being awake and alert.
Alpha-large, brain waves associated with relaxation and the falling asleep.
Delta-large, slow brain waves that occur in deeper sleep (stages 3 and 4)
Rapid eye movement
Swift eye movement during sleep.
Rem sleep
Sleep marked by REMs and return to stage 1 EEG patterns.
Non-REM (NREM) sleep
Non-rapid eye movement sleep characteristic of stages 2,3 and 4.
Difficulty in getting to sleep or staying asleep
Stimulus control
Linking a particular response with specific stimuli.
People who sleepwalk; occurs during NREM
Sleep apnea
Repeated interruption of breathing during sleep.
A sudden, irresistible sleep attack.
REM rebound
The occurrence of extra rapid eye movement sleep following REM sleep deprivation.
Psychodynamic theory
Any theory of behavior that emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces.
Wish fulfillment
Freudian belief that many dreams express unconscious desires.
Manifest content (of dreams
Dream images as the dreamer remembers them.
Latent content
The hidden or symbolic meaning of dreams.
Activation-synthesis hypothesis
An attempt to explain how dream content is affected by motor commands in the brain that occur during sleep but are not carried out.
Neurocognitive dream theory
Proposal that dreams reflect everyday waking thoughts and emotions.
Psychoactive drug
A substance capable of altering attention, memory, judgment, time sense, self-control, mood, or perception.
Drug interaction
Two drugs working at the same time
An inability to feel pleasure.
When is depth perception completed in infants
6 months
Harm-reduction strategy
Your still addicted to drugs but you reduce the harm they cause you. Either by doing different drugs or adding a new twist to your drug.
Alcohol myopia
Drunk short sited ness
The withdrawal from drug or alcohol addiction
Dream processes
Mental filters that hide the true meanings of dreams
Combining several people, objects, or events into a single dream image.
Secondary elaboration
Making a dream more logical and complete while remembering it.
Lucid dream
A dream in which the dreamer feels awake and capable of normal thought and action.
Sleep attack
Psychoactive drugs
is a chemical substance that changes brain function and results in alterations in perception, mood, or consciousness. Wikipedia
Fathers are more likely to
Engage in unusual play
NREM sleep
Is usually no sleep at all
REM is sometimes called
Active sleep
The eye movement of NREM
Non-rapid eye movements
Causes of REM sleep
Increased daytime stress, brain active and still awake
I a constant inability to sleep.
Drug-dependent insomnia
Can’t sleep without or because of drugs