Ch 9 Flashcards
A capacity for learning certain abilities
Special attitude test
A test to predict the likelihood of them suck seeding in a particular area of work or skill.
Multiple aptitude test
A test that measures to or more aptitudes
General intelligence test
A test. To measure a wide variety of mental abilities
The ability of a test to yield the same or nearly the same score when given to the same persons
It should measure what it claims to measure
Objective test
A test that gives the same score when different people grade it
Performance (nonverbal) intelligence
Intelligence measured by solving puzzles, assembling objects, completing pictures, and other nonverbal tasks.
Verbal intelligence
Intelligence measured by answering questions
Mental age
The average mental ability displayed by people of a given age
Intelligence quotient
Normal curve
A bell-shaped curve characterized by a large number of scores in a middle area, tapering to very few extremely high and low scores.
Deviation (IQ)
An IQ obtained statistically from a person’s relative standing in his or her age group-that is, how far above or below average the persons score is relative to other scores
Fluid intelligence
The ability to solve novel problems involving perceptual speed or rapid insight
Crystallized intelligence
The ability to solve the problems using already acquired knowledge
The possession of either a high IQ or special talents or aptitudes
Familiar intellectual disability
Mild intellectual disability associated with homes that are intellectually, nutritionally, and emotionally impoverished.
Savant syndrome
The possession of exceptional mental ability in one or more narrow areas
Fragile X syndrome
A genetic form of intellectual disability caused by a defective X chromosome
PKU - a genetic disease that allows phenylpyruvic acid to accumulate in the body.
A disorder where the head and brain are abnormally small
A buildup of cerebrospinal fluids within brains cavities
Stunted growth and intellectual disability caused by an insufficient supply of thyroid hormones.
Selective breeding
Twin study
Study of twins
Neural intelligence
The innate speed and efficiency of a persons brain and nervous system
Metacognitive skills
An ability to manage ones own thinking and problem-solving efforts
Multiple intelligence
Howard Gardner’s theory that there are several specialized types of intellectual ability
A general ability factor proposed to underlie intelligence; the core of general intellectual ability that involves reasoning, problem-solving ability, knowledge and memory