Ch 11 Flashcards
Genetic sex
Sex as indicated by the presence of XX (female) or XY (male) chromosomes
Hormonal sex
Sex as indicated by a preponderance of estrogens (female) or androgens (male) in the body
Gonadal sex
Sex as indicated by the presence of ovaries (female) or testes (male)
Genital sex
Boy girl parts
The primary sex glands-the tastes in males and ovaries in females
Any of many female sex hormones
Any of many male sex hormones
Intersexual person
A person who has genitals suggestive of both sexes
Primary sexual characteristics
Sex as defined by the genitals and internal reproductive organs
Secondary sexual characteristics
Breasts, body shape, facial hair, and so forth
Normal people
Attracted to both genders
Gender role socialization
The process of learning gender role in society
Instrumental behaviors
Actions directed towards the achievement of some goal
Gender role strain
Stress associated with ones identity in conflict with gender roles
The presence of both male and female traits
Surgical removal f the testicles or ovaries
Making man or woman infertile
Excitement phase
First stage of sexual arousal
Plateau phase
The second phase of sexual response
The fourth face of sexual response (calming down)
Refractory period
A short period after orgasm were a male cannot do so again
Double standard
Different standards for the appropriateness in sexual behavior
Paraphilia disorders
Compulsive or destructive deviation in sexual preferences or behaviors
Hypo active sexual desire
Upsetting loss of sexual desire
Hyper-sexual disorder
Troubling excess of sexual desire
A person at odds with their personal gender role