Ch 6 Flashcards
Events that precede a response.
Classical conditioning
A form of learning in which reflex responses are associated itch new stimuli.
Operant conditioning
Learning based on the consequences of responding
Unconditioned stimulus (us)
A stimulus innately capable of eliciting a response
Unconditioned response (ur)
An innate reflex elicited by an unconditioned stimulus
Neutral stimulus (ns)
A stimulus that does not evoke a response
Conditioned stimulus (cs)
A stimulus that evokes a response because it has been repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned response (cr)
A learned response elicited by a conditioned stimulus
The period in conditioning during which a response is reinforced
Higher-order conditioning
Classical conditioning in which a conditioned stimulus is used to reinforce further learning-that is, a conditioned stimulus is used as if it were a unconditioned stimulus.
The weakening of a conditioned response through removal of reinforcement
Spontaneous recovery
The reappearance of a learned response after its apparent extinction.
Stimulus generalization
Responding to similar stimuli as if they are the same thing.
Stimulus discrimination
Distinguishing between similar stimuli
Systematic desensitization
Reducing fear or anxiety by repeatedly exposing a person to emotional stimuli while the person is deeply relaxed
Vicarious classical conditioning
Classical conditioning brought about by observing another person react to a particular stimulus.
Law of effect
If doing something makes a good thing happen do it again and if doing something else results in something bad happening don’t do it.
Operant conditioning chamber (Skinner box)
An apparatus designed to study operant conditioning in animals
Superstitious behavior
A behavior repeated because it seems to produce reinforcement, even though it is actually unnecessary
Response chain
A series of actions that eventually lead to reinforcement
Gradually molding response to a final desired pattern
Operant extinction
The weakening or disappearance of a no reinforced operant response.
Positive punishment
Any event that follows a response and decreases its likelihood of occurring again; the process of suppressing a response
Negative punishment (response cost)
Removal of a positive reinforcer after a response is made
Cognitive learning
Higher-learning involving thinking,knowing,understanding, and anticipation.
Stimulus control
Stimuli present when operant response is acquired tend to control when and where the response is made
Operant stimulus discrimination
The tendacy to make an operant response when stimulus previously associated with reward are present and to withhold the response when stimulus associated with non-reward are present.
Discriminative stimulus
Stimuli that precede rewarded and non-rewarded responses in operant conditioning.
Primary reinforcers
Non-learned reinforcers; usually those that satisfy physiological needs.
Secondary reinforcer
A learned reinforcer; often one that gains reinforcing properties by association with a primary reinforcer.
Token reinforcer
A tangible secondary reinforcer such as money, gold Stars, poker, and the like.
Social reinforcer
Reinforcement based on receiving attention, approval, or affection from another person.
Continuous reinforcement
A pattern in which a reinforce follows every correct response.
Partial reinforcement
A pattern in which only a portion of all responses are reinforced.
Partial reinforcement effect
More resistant to extinction
Fixed ratio (fr) schedule
An arrangement where a set number of correct responses must be made to get a reinforcer.
Variable ratio (vr) schedule
An arrangement where a varied number of correct responses must be made to get a reinforcer.
Fixed interval (FI) schedule
an arrangement where a reinforcer is given only when a correct response is made after a set amount of time has passed since the last reinforced response.
Variable interval (VI) schedule
An arrangement where a reinforcer is given for the first correct response made after a varied amount of time has passed the since the last reinforced response.
Escape stimulus
Learning to make a response in order to end an aversive stimulus.
Avoidance learning
Learning to make a response in order to postpone or prevent discomfort.
Knowledge of results (KR)
Informational feedback
Programmed instruction
Any learning format that presents information in small amounts, gives immediate practice, and provides continuous feedback to learners.
Cognitive map
Internal images or other mental respire sensations of an area (a maze, a city, and so forth) that underlie an ability to choose alternative paths to the same goal.
Latent learning
Learning that occurs without obvious reinforcement and that remains unexpressed until reinforcement is provided.
Rote learning
Learning that takes place mechanically, through repetition and memorization, or by learning rules.
Discovery learning
Learning based on insight and understanding
Model (in learning )
A person who serves as an example in observational learning.
Observational learning (modeling)
Learning achieved by watching and imitating the action of another or nothing the consequences of those actions.
Premack principle
Any high-frequency response can be used to reinforce a low-frequency response