Ch 10 Flashcards
Circadian rhythms
Cyclical changes in body functions and arousal levels that vary on a schedule approximating a 24-hour day
Taste aversion
An active dislike for a particular food
Bait shyness
An in willingness or hesitation on the part of animals to eat a particular food due to a conditioned response
Biological preparedness (to learn)
An organism is able to learn some associations more easily then others
Set point (for fat)
The amount of fat that you have that is sustained. Your average fat.
Extracellular thirst
Thirst caused by a reduction in the volume of fluids found between body cells
Intracellular thirst
Thirst triggered when fluids are drawn out of cells due to an increased concentration of salts and minerals outside the cells
Changes in the sexual drives of animals usually in reference to mating
Non-homeostatic drive
A drive that is relatively independent of physical deprivation cycles or body needs states
Arousal theory
Assumes that people prefer to maintain ideal, or comfortable, levels of arousal.
Circadian rhythms
Yerkes-Dodson law
A summary of the relationships among arousal, task complexity, and performance
Opponent-process theory
Strong emotions tend to be followed by the opposite emotional state
Social motives
Learned motives acquired as part of growing up in a particular society or culture
Hierarchy of human needs
Abraham Maslow’s ordering of needs, based on their presumed strength or potency
Basic needs
The first four levels of needs in Maslow’s hierarchy; lower needs tend to be more potent then higher needs
Growth needs
In Maslow’s hierarchy, needs related to self actualization
Expression of tendency’s to fully develop your self actualization
Intrinsic motivation
Motivations that come from within
Extrinsic motivations
Motivations based on obvious external rewards
Adaptive behaviors
Actions that aid attempts to survive and adapt to changing conditions
Physiological changes (emotion)
Alterations in heart beat ex
Basic emotions
Fear,surprise,sadness,disgust,anger,anticipation,joy,and acceptance
Autonomic nervous system
(ANS) the system of nerves that connects the brain with the internal organs
Sympathetic branch
A part of the autonomic nervous system that activates the body at times of stress
Parasympathetic branch
A part of the autonomic nervous system that quiets the body and conserves energy
Parasympathetic rebound
Excess activity in the parasympathetic nervous system following a period of intense emotion
A part of the lambic system that produces fear response
A learned difficulty expressing emotions; more common in men
Study of the meaning of body movements, postures, hand gestures ex
James-Langes theory
A theory stating emotional feelings follow bodily arousal and comes from awareness of such arousal
Connon-bard theory
A theory stating that emotions occur by situational cues
The mental process of assigning causes to events