Ch.3 Cell Anatomy and Division Flashcards
membrane enclosed sac containing smaller subunits that provide most of the functions
Plasma membrane (4)
- outer boundary which envelopes the cell
- regulates movement of materials in and out of cell
- 45% lipid, 50% protein, 5% carbohydrate
- lipids bilayer, with peripheral proteins attached and integral proteins extending through membrane
Cytoplasm (4)
- consists of organelles and cytosol
- mixture of water, salts, and organic molecules
- region between plasma membrane and nucleus
- functions: cellular metabolism, maintains the cell
Nucleus (4)
- stores genetic information (DNA), which regulates protein synthesis and cell division
- contains RNA
- composed of double membrane and contains nucleic acids
- located in center of cell
Cytosol (3)
- gel-like fluid made up of mostly water and proteins
- surrounds organelles
- transports substances between organelles and other cell structures
Organelles (3)
- formed bodies
- found in cytosol
- helps maintain cell
Centrioles (3)
- made up of several microtubules, forming a cylinder
- inside a centrosome near the nucleus
- participate in cell division
Cilia (3)
- long, slender projections on the surface of the plasma membrane
- extend outward
- move fluids
Microvilli (3)
- tiny folds of the plasma membrane that increase surface area of the cell
- extend outward
- increase plasma membrane surface area for absorption and secretion
Ribosomes (3)
- small, spherical structures made of 60% RNA and 40% protein
- attached to ER or unattached in the cytoplasm
- provide attachment site for mRNA during protein synthesis
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) (3)
- branching tubules with attached ribosomes
- extend between nucleus and plasma membrane
- site of protein synthesis
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) (3)
- branching tubules without ribosomes
- winds throughout the cytoplasm
- site of lipid and carbohydrate assembly
Golgi apparatus (3)
- series of flattened, disc-shaped sacs
- found near nucleus with secretory vesicles near the plasma membrane
- prepares and packages cellular products for transport
Mitochondria (3)
- spherical shaped with inner folded membrane
- random throughout cytoplasm
- where nutrients are broken down and ATP is produced during cellular respiration
Lysosomes (3)
- small, spherical
- random throughout cytoplasm
- contain enzymes that breakdown materials brought into the cell, or release enzymes out of the cell to digest
Nuclear envelope (3)
- double membrane with large nuclear pores
- surround nucleoplasm
- regulates movement of materials between cytoplasm and nucleoplasm
Nucleoplasm (3)
- gel-like fluid made of water, nucleic acids, and proteins
- found within nuclear envelope
- site of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
Nucleoli or Nucleolus (3)
- small spheres containing RNA and proteins
- grouped in an area of nucleoplasm
- site of RNA synthesis
Chromatin (3)
- threadlike materials made of DNA and proteins
- found throughout nucleoplasm
- DNA contains the genes, which control protein synthesis
Tissues (2)
- made of identical cells
- four basic types in the body
made of two or more types of tissue
group of organs with related functions
Somatic cell division (2)
- healthy cells divide to form two identical daughter cells
- helps with body growth, replacement of older cells, and repairing of injured parts of the body
Cell cycle
involves three stages: interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis
Interphase (3)
- consists of three subphrases: G1, S, and G2
- cell is carrying out its functions and growing large
- replication of DNA as it prepares to divide
First growth (G1) phase (2)
- cell grows larger
- carries out cellular functions
Synthesis (S) phase (3)
- DNA is replicated
- sister chromatids are formed
- organelles increase in number
Second growth (G2) phase (4)
- cell grows larger
- prepares to divide
- duplication of chromosomes
- continues to carry out cellular functions
Mitosis (nuclear division) (3)
- consists of 4 stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
- sequence of changes that the nucleus and its DNA undergo in preparation for cell division
- equal division of DNA
Cytokinesis (4)
- physical division of cell following division of DNA
- two identical daughter cells form
- division of cytoplasm
- each daughter cell enters interphase and the process begins again
Prophase (4)
- chromatin condenses into sister chromatids, connected by a centromere
- sister chromatids are the result of DNA replication
- nuclear envelope begins break down
- spindle fibers appear
Metaphase (3)
- nuclear envelope is gone
- centromere of each sister chromatid attached to spindle fibers
- sister chromatids line up along equator of cell
Anaphase (2)
- sister chromatids separate at centromere to produce individual chromosomes
- chromosomes begin to migrate to the poles
Telophase (3)
- chromosomes reach poles
- spindle fibers disappear
- nuclei begin to reform
Interphase (4)
- cell carries out its functions
- DNA is diffused (chromatin)
- no chromosomes are visible
- cell replicates DNA and organelles as it prepares to enter mitosis