Ch3 Building Construction Flashcards
This type of building is considered noncombustible or limited combustible materials with a high fire resistive rating, and has the highest level of protection from fire spread and collapse…
Type 1 (Fire Resistive)
This type of building’s structural members are FIRE-RESISTIVE and do not contribute to fuel load…
Type 1 (Fire Resistive)
This type of building can be expected to be structurally stable longer than other structures….
Type 1 (Fire Resistive)
This type of building is considered non-combustible…
Type 2 (non-combustible)
This type of building’s steel is not protected…
Type 2 (non-combustible)
Type 3 construction is referred to as…
Ordinary Construction
Heavy timber is used in what type of construction?
Type 4 (Heavy Timber)
Structures made entirely out of wood with veneer of stucco, brick, and stone are what type?
Type 5 (Wood Frame)
Structures with 2x4 or 2x6 walls are considered what type?
Type 5 (Woof Frame)
True or False…
Manufactured homes are not required to conform to the model building codes. They are required to conform to a USA DOH standard that is similar to Type V (Wood Frame) construction.
True or False…
When owners and contractors make unprotected penetrations through fire walls for pipes, wires, and ducting, the protection that fire walls provide can be reduced or eliminated. Heat, smoke, and flames can pass through these openings and spread the fire into other compartments.
True or False…
Stairs in commercial and multifamily residential buildings that are part of the required means of egress, must provide protection for the occupants as they travel to safety.
The primary function of the roof is to protect the structure and its contents from the effects of weather.
The two general types of roof supports used in residential and commercial construction are beams and truss assemblies.
Much like engineered box beams or I-beams, trusses created from engineered materials are also susceptible to early failure. Engineered construction systems are manufactured from smaller pieces of wood or light weight gauge steel to for trusses that weigh less than traditional systems.
Photovoltaic systems generate electricity and present a significant hazard to firefighters. Even if power to the building is shutoff, the panels retain significant amounts of electricity even if a small amount of light is available.
Horizontal sliding fire doors are often found in old industrial buildings, are usually held open by a fusible link, and slide into position along a track by gravity or counter weight.
Security bars or grills have a negative effect on fire and life safety. They can prevent the escape of trapped occupants or firefighters and slow access time for firefighters. Security bars and grills must be removed or disabled when interior operations begin to ensure firefighter safety in case rapid egress is required.
In Type V construction, modern siding such as vinyl adds another petroleum based fuel to the structural fuel load.
Fire may spread more quickly in manufactured homes because of fewer internal walls to create compartments and interior finishes which add to the fuel load.
Stairs can provide a flow path for the movement of air, fire gases, and smoke throughout a structure.
What type of stairs are part of the required means of egress and are critical components of a life safety system of a building?
Protected stairs.
Multi-story buildings with flat roofs usually have the same structural system for the roof as the floors.
Building codes require that glass doors be made of tempered glass that resists breakage.
The ceilings in corridors that are designated as exit or egress passageways will have the same fire resistance rating as the walls in that corridor.
What is known as ordinary construction; commonly found in mercantile, business and residential, and older schools…
Type III (ordinary construction)
Known as fire resistive construction because structural members do not add to the fuel load…
Type I
Composed of materials that will not contribute to fire development or spread; non combustible construction.
Type II
What building class has exterior load bearing walls composed entirely of wood?
Type IV (heavy timber construction)
What class of building has exterior walls and structural members that must be constructed of non combustible or limited combustible materials, but interior walls partially or completely constructed of wood.
Type III (ordinary construction)
Structural members are made of large dimension lumber or laminated wood.
Type IV
Interior building elements constructed of solid or laminated wood with no concealed spaces.
Type IV
Commonly known as wood frame construction.
Type V
Provides the highest level of fire protection and structural collapse.
Type I
Most common style is elevated in the center along a ridge line with a roof deck that slopes down to the eaves along the roof edges…
Pitched roof
Type of roof most commonly found on commercial, industrial, and multifamily residential…
Flat roof
Type of roof that is ideal for occupancies that require a large open area that is not supported by columns or posts…
Arched roof
Provides structural support for trusses; may fail as wood burns away during a fire…
Gusset plates
Roof modification that can add a significant dead load to the structure and interfere with roof vent operations…
Green roof
A structural support generally used to support flat roofs and floor assemblies…
Parallel chord trusses
Roof support that can be expected to fail quickly in a fire if unprotected…
Light weight open web joists
May close when activated by the melting of a fusible link…
Fire door
Consists of three or four sections that rotate in a circular frame; can restrict egress during a fire…
Revolving door
Often used to divide large assembly spaces such as conference rooms into smaller spaces…
Folding doors
Cannot be used to protect an opening that is part of the means of egress from a building…
Sliding door
Consists of a flat face panels the full height and width of the door that are attached to a solid core or hollow door…
Flush door
Locally adopted building codes regulate the type of construction based on intended use, structure size and the presence or lack of automatic fire suppression systems…
Firefighters responding to a fire in Type I constructed structure can expect the structure to remain stable longer than other types of construction.
A veneer of stucco, brick, or stone constructed over wood framing in a Type V construction provides little additional fire protection or structural support.
Walls can be easily breached during forcible entry due to the use of light weight construction materials in manufactured homes.
What may be used to separate occupancy classifications within the same structure to prevent the spread of fire from one to another?
Fire walls
Fire in basements may be more hazardous that in other compartments because of the limited means of ingress/egress.
Which type of stairs are not required to be part of the means of egress system and typically connect no more than two levels?
Access or convenience stairs
What should firefighters do to maintain the integrity of a protected stairwell?
Maintain door control
What type of roof creates a void that can conceal fire and allow it to burn undetected?
Rain roof
What type of door has wings that collapse under pressure to provide an unobstructed opening during an emergency?
Revolving doors
What type of door will act as a significant barrier to the fire if it is closed at the time even if it has not been specifically designed as a fire door?
Solid core door
What type of fire door is commonly used in stairwell enclosures or corridors that require a fire door?
Swinging doors
Which types of window or window feature can create a hazard during a fire because they do not allow for rapid egress?
Security windows or security bars
Why is it incorrect to refer to Type I construction as fire proof?
While the structure will not burn, the structure may degrade from the effects of fire.
What conditions may Type IV buildings contain that can affect their behaviour during a fire?
The high concentration of wood can contribute to the intensity of a fire once it starts and the collapse of masonry walls can be caused by loss of structural integrity of timber.
What dangers can basements pose during fire fighting operations?
Fires in basements can damage floor joists and load bearing walls that support the upper floor and structure. Stairs can provide a flow path for the movement of air, fire gases, smoke throughout the structure. Also low visibility conditions.
Why should firefighters not enter the void area in a rain roof to cut a hole in the original roof for vent?
They can become trapped, overcome by heat and smoke in the void, fall through a weakened roof, be caught in an extreme fire condition as heated gas and fresh air mix.
Vertical Doors…
A door that opens in a vertical plane is known as an overhead door and is often found in industrial occupancies for applications such as… p103
Loading dock doors
Garage doors
Freight elevator doors
Fire doors protecting openings that are not part of the required means of egress
What is spalled concrete normally an indicator of?
Spalled concrete usually indicates the expansion of moisture in masonry materials due to the exposure of heat of a fire. The expansion of the causes the material’s surface to disintegrate, resulting in explosive pitting or chipping of the material.
This type of door ordinarily closes under the force of gravity when a fusible link melts, but motor driven doors are available…
Overheard rolling steel fire doors
A fusible link on a swinging fire door depends on the heat from a fire to close, so…
A significant amount of smoke may flow through the door before the door is released.
Is hung from an overhead track with rollers or guides similar to those used by a sliding door. Can be used in residential and commercial occupancies to divide large rooms into small rooms. These horizontal doors must meet specific requirements to be tested and listed as a means of egress.
Horizontal fire doors
Which type of material is often used in the core of a heavy corrugated steel door?
How are vertical doors (overhead garage style doors) commonly used?
Fire doors protecting openings that are not part of the required means of egress
Loading dock doors
Garage doors
Freight elevator doors
Wood trusses are assembled using metal gusset plates that only penetrate about 3/8” into wood.
As wood burns away from the plates during a fire, the plates fall out and are no longer a structural support for the truss.
Which type of door has flat face panels that are the full height and width of the door, and are attached to a solid or hollow core door?
A flush door