Ch.12: Helping Flashcards
What does it mean to help
engaging in behavior that helps someone’s ability to cope with a situation or another person
What is altruism?
it is an inclination that increases another persons well being without regarding ones own needs
Theories of Helping
What does the social exchange theory pertain to?
Tendency to weigh out the costs and benefits to help in a situation
The more benefits, the more one helps, and the more costs, the less help
What do external rewards result in?
Increasing corporate image, giving someone a ride hoping for friendship, get money etc
What do internal rewards result in
Makes me feel good, increase self-esteem, reduce guilt,
What are two recognizable Social Norms
Reciprocity norm
Social responsibility norm
What is the reciprocity norm?
it is the belief that we should help those who have helped us
What is the social responsibility norm?
it is the belief that we should help people who need helping
What is Empathy
Trying to experience something as someone else
What two paths can lead to helping?
-Egoistic Route
-Altruistic Route
What is the egoistic route?
It is when ppl help to reduce their OWN distress
What is the altruistic route?
It is when help to reduce ANOTHER person’s distress
What does the existence of Genuine Altruism claim?
Research has mixed results–but Batson concludes that empathy induced altruism is human nature
Influences on Helping
What is the bystander effect?
an individual who is present with more ppl. is less likely to help
What happened to Kitty Genovese?
Kitty was attacked and stabbed outside of her NYC apartments. 38 were witnesses, but NO ONE CALLED THE POLICE–once someone did it was already too late.
What did the smoke in the room experiment demonstrate?
There was ether one or 3 people in a room. Smoke enters the room. When one person was in the room, they responded quicker. When there were 3 people, they responded less quickly
What 5 factors influence help?
-Interpreting the situation
-Assuming responsibility
-Time pressures
impacts behavior by whether ppl notice another persons need.
Interpreting the Situation
when ppl realize that help is needed, it influences whether ppl help or not
Assuming responsibility
responsibility for helping gets distributed towards the ppl who are present. With less ppl, an individual may take responsibility and helps
What study demonstrates time pressures?
The Princeton seminar study: gave a lecture on the good samaritan. 1/2 of the participants were told they were late, and 1/2 of the participants told they had all the time in the world. Those who had more time, stopped the most
How does similarity influence helping?
More help is done towards people who they find similarity with
Fe: Participants who dressed like researchers and asked for money were more likely to help
Increasing Helping
How does reducing ambiguity influence helping? give example
When people give time to interpret a situation—ppl can increased responsibility and help people in that given situation.
ex: a life guard tells people there is a situation and to keep calm–the life guard then tells someone else to call 911
How does guilt increase helping? give an ex.
inducing guilt onto ppl, can make them help in order to restore their self-image
ex: mom says she has so much to do and that if she does not receive help she could get an early heart attack
What is the effects of learning by doing? give ex.
teaching others to help, induces more help in the future
ex: a teacher has students do a service learning project where they volunteer to help for 8 hrs.
Modeling helping
being a model for others by demonstrating that you do something to help
ex: a father tells his son that he cannot hang out during the weekend because he needs to help set up for a charity event.
To teach help
a teacher teaches social exchange theory, social norms, empathy, and the influences oh help to increase helping
What is Moral Inclusion?
when ppl experience and realize we are one and should put ppl who deserve help.
Personalized Appeal
personal invitations are more influential
ex: new blood donors were more likely to be present when they were personally invited