Ch12 Flashcards
What is the primary complexity in determining if an EL student has a learning disability?
Both cultural and language issues must be “detangled” from any possible learning disability.
What needs to be critically examined before recommending an EL for Sp. Ed?
Social and cultural conditions
What are Stainback and Stainback’s beliefs on regular and special education?
Merge and all students receive individualized education
Placing learning disabled students with ELD students is __ and __
unethical, harmful
What is true about the representation of CLD children in Sp. Ed.?
Disproportionally large
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) entitles all individuals to a …
free, appropriate public education (FAPE)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates nondiscriminatory (3)
- assessment
- identification
- placement
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) forbids the placement into learning disabled due to __, __ or __ difference
The assessment and placement of CLD students in Sp. Ed. has become a __ issue
The overrepresentation of CLD students in disability programs is due to ___ in educational treatment
What does the inequity in educational treatment that causes the overrepresentation of EL’s in disability programs cause in (1) students (2) teachers
- Lowered self-esteem
- A lowered perception of capability for EL’s
What do some people argue that “aptitude” is?
A cultural construct
What can cause an EL to be inappropriately identified as special needs?
Differences in prior school experiences and a linguistic gap that may result in culture shock that is interpreted as special needs
What is the only minority group not underrepresented in Gifted Programs?
The underrepresentation of minorities other than Asians in Gifted Programs indicates? (4)
- Inadequacy of relying only on testing
- Lack of teacher training to recognize diverse talent
- Lack of diversity on selection panels
- Inadequate training of assessment personnel
What practices help avoid underrepresentation of Hispanic and African Americans in Gifted Programs?
- Use valid ID instruments
- Collect multiple types of information from multiple sources
- Train teachers/personnel on culturally derived learning styles
- Increase awareness of research on giftedness in minorities
How do some schools create a gifted “school within a school”?
- Separate core classes
- Electives and PE in the general populace
What are 3 ways Baca and Valenzuela recommended for restructuring bilingual education? What do they claim this will provide in terms of the delivery of education to CLD learners?
- Classrooms conform to student needs, not vice-versa
- Make effort to increase the academic performance of CLD Sp. Ed. students
- Teachers should actively assess
- Direction for the efforts
What do Baca and Valenzuela state should be done based on assessments as a major part of the intervention process before referring a student to Sp. Ed.?
Adapt the curriculum
What do Baca and Valenzuela recommend using instead of a remedial approach to assessing if a student is learning disabled?
Use a diagnostic model
What are the 5 domains (per G.P. Wallach and L. Miller) for the principles of the Education of CLD-Sp. Ed. Students?
- Responsibility of the student for learning
- Student need for self-knowledge
- Goals for instruction
- Relationship of educational services to mainstream instruction
- Need for informed decision making
Who bears the responsibility of identifying students with special needs?
Parents, teachers and school personnel
What is done after a student is ID’ed as possible learning disabled?
What causes some educators to be overly cautious about referring EL’s to Sp. Ed.?
A lack of understanding of cultural and language issues
What do the following Sp. Ed. acronyms stand for?
- Individual with Disabilities Education Act
- Individualized Education Plan
- Resource Specialist Program
- Special Day Class
- School Study Team
What is done after a student is referred for Sp. Ed. placement?
A team (1) Suggest modified learning environment (2) Implements a program of early intervention
What are 5 questions to consider when evaluating a student for Sp. Ed?
- What are examples of unmet needs in regular classroom?
- Is there a consistent pattern that affect learning?
- Is the unmet need becoming more serious with time?
- Does the student function significantly different from classmates?
- Is the poor functioning due to L2 acquisition?
When attempting to determine if a student has special needs or is simply functioning poorly due to L2 acquisition difficulties, what should be noted?
A discrepancy in performance between the two languages
When determining if a student needs Sp. Ed. who may fill out the data sheet thus playing an important role in the investigation?
- School ELD Specialist or Bilingual Specialist
What are 6 things to consider when evaluating a student for Sp. Ed.?
- Background experience and previous schooling
- Response to the classroom environment
- Cultural and linguistic background
- Level of acculturation
- Learning style
- Physical health
What are some of the academic problems that are similar for both CLD and special needs students? (10)
- Discrepancies between verbal/non-verbal learning (culturally dependent)
- Perceptual Disorders (CLD home language not alpha, not literate in L1)
- Language disorders
- Metacognitive Deficits: If not literate in L1, may lack pre-literacy behavior
- Memory difficulties
- Social-Emotional Functioning: May experience academic frustration
- Difficulty attending and focusing
- Culture/Language Shock: Uneven performance, not engaged
- Reading Dysfunctions: Slow rate, excessive lip movement or vocalization
- Written Skill Deficits
What are the similarities between ethnic language variations and learning disability symptoms? (4)
- Articulating certain sounds
- Understanding subtle verb modalities (can, might, may)
- Sentence-level intonation
- Discourse/pragmatic features (use of language in social context)
- ** Turn taking
- ** Reading social cues
What is often the best judge of an EL being learning disabled?
Time - 5-6 months should show improvement while learning disability tends to be constant
A key diagnosis of language-related disorders is the presence of ___ ___ in both L1 and L2
similar patterns
What are 6 modifications for CLD Students
- Use a variety of modes (visual, tactile, auditory)
- Balance lessons with “hands-on” w/ explicit instructions of strategies and skills
- Ensure comprehension: Check for understanding
- If a student shows fatigue, allow time for a break
- Allow time for a thoughtful response
- Ask questions that require answers that match students’ English proficiency
What are the 4 roles of ELD and classroom teachers during the process to determine eligibility for additional services?
- Organizer: information for referral
- Instructor: ELD teacher may advise modifying learning environment
- Investigator: ELD or Bilingual profession may test in L1
- Mentor to Students: Both teachers share information and collaborate
When is a student tested for Sp. Ed?
After evidence is provided and analysis of the early intervention is completed (School Screen Team)
What must be true about approval of testing for Sp. Ed. and who can administer the test?
- Parents
- School psychologist or licensed professional
What are 4 assumptions for the psychological testing of a student?
- Test administrator is certified
- Assessment has norms that represent the population of the individual
- Test taker understands the words and what is expected
- Behavior sampled is an adequate measure of abilities
An administrator for a psychological test should be certified and trained in …? (4)
Admin, scoring, interpretation
- Knows pitfalls and limitations
Understand nonverbal signals cultural beliefs, practices
- Speaks L1
What is true about Sp. Ed. testing translated from English?
They may not be equivalent
What is true about individual learning styles that must be considered when testing for Sp. Ed.?
It may be culturally bound
What should be done with testing for Sp. Ed. when testing bilingual students?
Test in both languages
What are 9 characteristics of successful test takers?
- Monochronic orientation
- Tolerate close spacing
- Frequent, sustained eye contact
- Gender neutral to directions
- Individual orientation
- Understand verbal/nonverbal aspects of the majority culture
- Takes responsibility for own success
- Can perceive details apart from the whole
- Reflective, methodological, analytical cognitive style
What students are difficult to refer to Sp. Ed. and why?
Bilingual - The difficulties they display overlap those of learning disabled students
Who is the most important figure in evaluating a bilingual student for Sp. Ed.
Bilingual Psychologist
What is the Descriptive Assessment Process?
It is a 3 step process used when evaluating bilingual students for Sp. Ed.
- Phase 1: Descriptive Analysis
Analyze oral monologue dialogue of student in class
— Refer to speech/language therapist or additional mediation and evaluation
- Phase 2: Exploratory Analysis (If problem still exists) Assessor examines cultural, ethnic background and acculturation
— If these don’t account for issues move to
- Phase 3: Assessment for the Presence of Intrinsic Factors (learning disability)
What can be done to promote family support for evaluation of bilingual students for Sp. Ed.?
Meet regularly and have a folder of “average” work for grade level to give context for student performance
What are the principles of collaboration and what does it require of educators when working as a team with Sp. Ed. 2nd language students?
- Professionals working as equals toward a shared goal
- Requires a collegial working environment of mutual respect and trust